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Posts in Political Science
Homeless and Working Youth Around the World: Exploring Developmental Issues

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Edited by Marcela Raffaelli & Reed W. Larson

Focus on Street Youth: The document explores the developmental issues faced by homeless and working street youth around the world,highlighting their unique challenges and resilience.

Geographical Approach: It presents studies from different regions,including India, Brazil, Kenya, and the United States, to show the diverse experiences and factors affecting street youth.

Research and Methodology: The document discusses the methodological and ethical issues in researching street youth,emphasizing the importance of understanding their context and using appropriate research methods.

Developmental Impact: It examines how street life affects the development of street youth, including their cognitive skills, identity formation, and psychological adjustment.

Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1999, 90 pages

Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability

May Contain Markup

By Jeff Karabanow, Sean Kidd, Tyler Frederick, and Jean Hughes

Study Focus: The book explores the lived experiences of homeless in Canada, focusing on their transition from homelessness stability.

Methodology: The study used a longitudinal mixed-method approach, involving in-depth qualitative interviews and questionnaires with 51 participants over a year.

Key Findings: Factors influencing the transition include consistent support,feelings of belonging,life and social skills, and housing stability.

Challenges: Youth face significant challenges such as instability,scheduling issues, and engagement difficulties during their transition.

Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, May 30, 2018, 147 pages

Homelessness in Brent

May Contain Markup

By Lucy Bonnerjea & Jean Lawton

Study Focus: The report examines homelessness in Brent within the context of race and housing, specifically looking at disadvantages faced by black people.

Historical Context: It provides a historical overview of homelessness legislation, highlighting the 1977 Housing Act And its impact on local authorities' responsibilities.

Current Issues: The document discusses current challenges in managing homelessness, including inadequate housing policies, discrimination, and the impact on families.

Recommendations: It offers policy recommendations to improve housing access, quality, and support for homeless families, emphasizing the need for equal opportunities and better planning.

Policy Studies Institute, 1987, 88 pages

Evaluating Programs for the Homeless

May Contain Markup

Edited by Debra J. Rog

Complexity of Homelessness: Homelessness is a multifaceted issue involving various subgroups such as mentally ill individuals, families with children, and those with substance abuse problems. Understanding These complexities is crucial for effective interventions.

Mixed-Method Approaches: Estimating the number of homeless individuals requires mixed methods to produce reasonable estimates, as highlighted by David S. Cordray.

Evaluation Challenges: Evaluating programs for the homeless, such as those targeting substance abuse or mental health, involves significant methodological and practical challenges, including diverse evaluation designs and data collection issues.

Program Evaluations: The document reviews several large-scale national demonstration programs, emphasizing the importance of both individual and system-level evaluations to improve service delivery and policy implications.

Jossey-Bass, 1991, 94 pages

Homeless Families: Failed Policies and Young Victims

By Lisa Klee Mihaly

Homelessness Impact: Homelessness severely affects children's health,emotional well-being, and development, often leading to long-term consequences.

Causes of Homelessness: Major causes include inadequate income,lack of affordable housing, and insufficient family support systems.

Policy Failures: Current policies and emergency shelters are insufficient to address the needs of homeless families.

Recommendations: The document suggests increasing affordable housing, improving income support, and providing comprehensive services to prevent and address homelessness.

Children’s Defense Fund, 1991, 25 pages

Race Nations and Classes

By Herbert Adolphus Miller, PH.D.

Group Dynamics: The book explores the psychology of domination and freedom within groups, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and the development of sentiments for resolving conflicts.

Americanization: It discusses the challenges and paradoxes of Americanization, highlighting the need for a rational and empathetic approach to integrating immigrants.

Pseudo-Science Critique: The author criticizes the misuse of pseudo-science in justifying social hierarchies and emphasizes the need for genuine scientific methods.

Historical Context: The book provides a historical analysis of various social and political conflicts, drawing lessons from past mistakes to suggest better approaches for the future.

Read-Me.Org, 2024, 196 pages

Sociology and the Race Problem: The Failure of a Perspective

By James B. McKee

Historical Context: The book explores the development of the sociology of race relations in the United States, highlighting its evolution from the early 20th century to the 1960s.

Sociological Failure: It critically examines the failure of sociologists to predict and understand the civil rights movement and the subsequent racial struggles in the 1960s.

Perspective Critique: The author argues that the failure was due to the sociologists' perspective, which was shaped by their own social context and often ignored the realities of racial change.

Black Sociologists' Struggle: The book also discusses the challenges faced by black sociologists in expressing their perspectives within a predominantly white academic field.

University of Illinois Press, 1993, 376 pages

Can the White Race Survive?

By James Denson Sayers

Racial Purity: The author argues that the survival of American Civilization depends on maintaining the purity of the white race and avoiding racial amalgamation.

Historical Examples : The book cites historical instances where civilizations allegedly declined due to racial mixing.

Racial Hierarchy: The author asserts a hierarchy of races, with the white race being superior in intellect and capability.

Proposed Solutions: The book suggests measures to preserve racial purity, including segregation and preventing racial mixing.

Independent Publishing Company, 1929, 255 pages


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Between 1889 and 1918, 3,224 people were lynched in the U.S., with 78.2% being African Americans. The South had the highest number of lynchings, with Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas leading.While lynchings decreased over the 30-year period, the South saw a slower decline compared to the North and West. Despite appeals from leaders like President Wilson, lynchings continued, and mob members were rarely convicted.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Ofce 70 Fifth Avenue, New York. APRIL, 1919. 102p.

Immigration Raids in Jackson, Mississippi, Five Years Later: An Evidence-Based Analysis to Dissuade Mass Deportation Policy and Promote a New Immigration Pathway

Christopher Ross,

FROM THE DOCUMENT: Immigration is one of, if not the, top voting priority for 2024 American voters [1]. Both political parties are poised to increase asylum restrictions but to disparate degrees. One policy under serious consideration is mass deportation [2]. It is not a novel American immigration policy concept [3]. But introspection from previous attempts should chill the notion of mass deportation being a viable solution worthy of serious consideration. The costs would be exorbitant. It would leave large swaths of American communities decimated. The local and national economies would take serious hits. Families and loved ones would be separated. Already backlogged immigration courts would be further overwhelmed as a matter of due process. Immigration must be addressed, and the rule of law is to be respected. But solutions must equally be practical. An August 2019 immigration raid in Jackson, Mississippi where 680 immigrants were arrested while working at nearby chicken processing plants provides a window to review how mass immigration enforcement, detention, and deportation affects an American community in the 21st century. This paper provides an analysis of the immigration raid and its effects on the local community, economy, and social services. It will also provide a scaled analysis of major metropolitan areas to show the deleterious effects of mass deportation and dissuade the consideration of mass deportation as viable policy. Finally, it will propose an alternative policy that may prove to be in the best interests of all parties involved.

Center for Migration Studies. .August 6, 2024. 63p.

Democracy and America's War on Terror

By Robert L. Ivie

Central Theme: The book critiques the rhetoric surrounding America'swar on terror, focusing on the intersection ofdemocracy, fear, andwar.

Historical Context: It draws parallels between the rhetoric used during the Vietnam War and the post-9/11 era.

Rhetorical Analysis: The author examines how democratic ideals are used to justify war and how rhetoric shapes public perception.

References: The book includes numerous references to previous works and lectures by the author, providing a comprehensive background on the topic.

University of Alabama Press, 2005, 251 pages

Liverpool, the African Slave Trade, and Abolition

Edited by Roger Anstey and P.E.H.Hair

Historical Context: The document explores the history of the Atlantic slave trade, focusing on Liverpool's significant role in the trade duringthe 18th century.

Economic Impact: It discusses the economic organization of the slavetrade, including the goods exchanged and the profits made bymerchants.

Abolition Movement: The document highlights the efforts and debates surrounding the abolition of the British slave trade, particularly the role of Liverpool abolitionists.

Research and Sources: It emphasizes the importance of historical records and recent research in understanding the complexities of the slave trade and its abolition.

Cambridge University Press ,1977 , 244 pages

Humanitarian Imperialism : The Politics of Anti-Slavery Activism 1880-1940

By Amalia Ribi Forclaz

Humanitarian Imperialism examines anti-slavery activism between 1880-1940 and its entanglement with religious and political powers, diplomatic affairs, and military actions. It highlights the emergence of Catholic anti-slavery organizations in Europe, their efforts to raise awareness about African slavery, and their collaboration with established British societies to influence public and political spheres. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the campaign against slavery in Ethiopia, illustrating the complex interactions between British and Italian activists, missionaries, colonial authorities, and the League of Nations.. Finally, it reveals a transition in anti-slavery activism, influenced by the rise of totalitarian regimes and the changing international context during the interwar years, leading to a critical assessment of the relationship between humanitarian internationalism and imperialism.

Oxford University Press, 2015, 243 pages