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The Possible Pleasures and Pains of Philosophy


By Prof. Ben-Ami Scharfstein

From a short story,Fragments on Method By Graeme R. Newman:“Once a meat carver was about to eat an orange, when an outrageous question beset him: What is an orange? Hisinstant inclination was to cut the orange up, which he did, dividing it into three parts. It so happened that one of the parts was much bigger than the other two. The meat carver was delighted, and proceeded to slice the large piece into 6 pieces, whereas the other two parts could be sliced into only two pieces each.

An apprentice had watched this enterprise from the beginning, and was fascinated by the meat carver's obvious satisfaction. "What pleases you so?" asked the apprentice."I now know not only why this is an orange, but also, this larger piece tells me much more about the orange than the other two pieces combined."

609 pages

Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment


Edited by Gertrude Ezorsky

Concepts of Punishment: Explore Definitions and fundamental ideas about punishment, including its role in enforcing obedience and expressing societal condemnation.

The Justification of Punishment:oTeleological Theories: Discusses punishment as a means to achieve beneficial outcomes, such as deterrence and reform.oRetributivism: Argues that punishment is justified as a form of justice and moral right.

Teleological Retributivism: Combines elements of both teleological and retributive theories, emphasizing justice and beneficial consequences.

Strict Liability: Examines the rationale and implications of imposing punishment without the need to prove intent or negligence.

The Death Penalty: Analyzes the moral and practical arguments for and against capital punishment.

Alternatives to Punishment:Investigates non-punitive measures such as rehabilitation and societal approaches to crime.

The book features contributions from notable philosophers like Plato, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx, providing a comprehensive analysis of the ethical, legal, and social dimensions of punishment.

State University of New York Press, 2015, 377 pages

Fortitudes of Creativity


Edited by Hemdat Libi Israeli

Introduction and OverviewThe book is dedicated to Shlomo Giora Shoham, celebrating his interdisciplinary contributions. It includes essays from various scholars, reflecting on creativity from multiple perspectives.

Criminology and CreativitySentencing Reform and the Role of the Criminologist: Discusses the evolution of criminology and sentencing reforms over fifty years, emphasizing the need for criminologists to adapt to new legislative frameworks.Evolution,Development, and Comparative Criminology: Explores how evolutionary and developmental theories can inform comparative criminology,suggesting that understanding crime requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Philosophical Perspectives Martin Buber: His Place in Twentieth-Century Philosophy: Analyzes Buber Philosophical contributions, particularly his ideas on human relations and the significance of dialogue.Rethinking Turing Test: Identity, Learning, and Self-Improvement: Examines the limitations of theTuring Test in assessing machine intelligence, arguing for a more nuanced understanding of identity and learning.

Psychological InsightsEmotional Morphology and Mythology: Investigates the relationship between emotions and mythological thinking, highlighting how myths shape emotional responses and cognitive processes.The Years of Extermination: A Plea for an Integrated History of the Holocaust:Calls for a comprehensive history of the Holocaust that includes the perspectives of both perpetrators and victims, emphasizing the complexity of human behavior during this period.

Art and CreativityPictures at an Exhibition: Art Galleries, the Academy, and Anti-Israel Polemics:Discusses how art exhibitions can be used to advance political agendas, using examples from Chicago to illustrate the intersection of art and politics.Jerusalem against Athens: Towards a Biblical Psychology: Contrasts Greek andBiblical views on psychology, suggesting that Biblical narratives offer a more hopeful and transformative perspective on human behavior.

Reflections on CreativityThe essays collectively argue that creativity is a multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be fully understood through a single disciplinary lens.They emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in exploring the depths of human creativity and its impact on various fields.

Overall,“The Fortitudes of Creativity” provides a rich and diverse exploration of creativity honoring Shoham’s legacy by bringing together insights from criminology, philosophy, psychology, and art.

Israel, 2010, 264 pages

Adventures of an Outlaw: The Memoir of Ralph Rashleigh a Penal Exile in Australia 1825-1844

By Ralph Rashleigh

The memoir has been edited from its original Victorian novel style to a more direct and vivid narrative. Ralph Rashleigh, a pseudonym, was a London apprentice who turned to crime, leading to his transportation to Australia. Rashleigh endured brutal treatment in the Australian penal system, reflecting the harsh and often sadistic practices of the time. The memoir provides a vivid account of the penal system and criminal law in the early 19th century, highlighting its brutality and inefficacy.


England and Slavery

By C.M. Macinnes

The document provides a detailed history of England’s involvement in the slave trade, focusing on the pre-Emancipation period. It covers various aspects such as the rise of the slave trade, the organization and purchase of slaves, the Middle Passage, and the abolition movement. The book is based on unpublished materials and rare books from the 18th and early 19th centuries. The author expresses gratitude to several individuals and institutions for their assistance in the research and publication of the book.


The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul’s Conquest of Evil


“The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul’s Conquest of Evil,” edited by Joseph Campbell from Heinrich Zimmer’s notes, delves into the symbolic and philosophical meanings behind various myths and legends from different cultures. The book explores the eternal conflict between good and evil, using stories to illustrate the interplay between human actions, fate, and the forces of good and evil.

Key Stories and Themes:

  1. Abu Kasem’s Slippers:

  • Summary: A miser’s old slippers repeatedly cause him trouble, symbolizing the inescapable nature of one’s actions and the concept of karma.

  • Theme: The story highlights how one’s past actions can continually affect their present and future, emphasizing the importance of change and letting go.

2. A Pagan Hero and a Christian Saint:

  • Summary: This section contrasts the myth of Conn-eda, an Irish prince who undergoes trials to become a perfect king, with the legend of Saint John Chrysostom, who achieves sainthood through sin, repentance, and redemption.

  • Theme: It explores the journey of self-completion through the mastery and assimilation of conflicting opposites, and the different paths to spiritual fulfillment.

3. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:

  • Summary: An Arthurian legend where Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from a mysterious Green Knight, leading to a journey of self-discovery and moral testing.

  • Theme: The tale examines human flaws, the nature of true honor, and the integration of life’s dualities (life and death, male and female).

Main Arguments:

  • Interplay of Human Actions and Fate: The stories illustrate how human actions are intertwined with fate and the cosmic battle between good and evil.

  • Philosophical Insights: Zimmer’s commentary reveals deeper philosophical meanings within these myths, suggesting they reflect universal truths about the human condition.

  • Moral Integrity and Self-Awareness: The tales emphasize the importance of self-awareness, moral integrity, and accepting life’s dualities.

Additional Details:

  • Publication and Context: The book was prepared from Zimmer’s extensive notes after his death in 1943 and published in 1948 as part of the Bollingen Series.

  • Visual and Contextual References: The editor’s foreword and the list of plates provide additional context and visual references for the stories discussed.

Overall, “The King and the Corpse” is a rich exploration of mythological narratives that delve into the complexities of human nature, the struggle between good and evil, and the quest for spiritual and moral integrity.


Bad Pastors: Clergy Misconduct in Modern America

Edited by Anson Shupe, William A. Stacey, and Susan E. Darnell

Child-molesting priests, embezzled church treasures, philandering ministers and rabbis, even church-endorsed pyramid schemes that defraud gullible parishioners of millions of dollars: for the past decade, clergy misconduct has seemed continually to be in the news. Is there something about religious organizations that fosters such misbehavior? Bad Pastors presents a range of new perspectives and solidly grounded data on pastoral abuse, investigating sexual misconduct, financial improprieties, and political and personal abuse of authority. Rather than focusing on individuals who misbehave, the volume investigates whether the foundation for clergy malfeasance is inherent in religious organizations themselves, stemming from hierarchies of power in which trusted leaders have the ability to define reality, control behavior, and even offer or withhold the promise of immortality. Arguing that such phenomena arise out of organizational structures, the contributors do not focus on one particular religion, but rather treat these incidents from an interfaith perspective. Bad Pastors moves beyond individual case studies to consider a broad range of issues surrounding clergy misconduct, from violence against women to the role of charisma and abuse of power in new religious movements. Highlighting similarities between other forms of abuse, such as domestic violence, the volume helps us to conceptualize and understand clergy misconduct in new ways.

New York; London: NYU Press, 2000. 269p.

Contemporary Philosophy: Philosophy in Service to Humanity

May Contain Markup

Editor-in-Chief, Wendy Koenig

Metaphysical Criminology: This field analyzes crime through metaphysical contexts, bridging gaps between metaphysical good and criminological bad.

Criminological Limitations: Traditional criminology often ignores metaphysical aspects due to its focus on observable and measurable data.

Integration of Disciplines: The document advocates for integrating metaphysical analysis with criminological research to better understand and address crime. 

Debate Highlights: The Ryan/Pabst debate explores the strengths and weaknesses of metaphysical criminology, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach between secular and spiritual perspectives.

REALIA, Institute for Advanced Philosophic Research, 2007, 36 pages

Religious Freedom and Populism: The Appropriation of a Human Right and How to Counter It

Edited by Hirschberger, Bernd and Voges, Katja 

Populism is a growing threat to human rights. They are appropriated, distorted, turned into empty words or even their opposite. The contributors to this volume examine these practices using the example of freedom of religion or belief, a human right that has become a particular target of right-wing populists and extremists worldwide. The contributions not only show the rhetorical patterns of appropriation and distortion, but also demonstrate for various countries which social dynamics favor the appropriation in each case and propose how to strengthen human rights and the culture of debate in democratic societies.

Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2024. 268p.

ELECTORAL FRAUD: Causes, Types, and Consequences

By Fabrice Lehoucq

This article reviews research on electoral fraud—clandestine and illegal efforts to shape election results. Only a handful of works classify reports on electoral fraud to identify its nature, magnitude, and causes. This review therefore looks at the larger number of historical works (as well as some ethnographies and surveys) that discuss ballot rigging. Its conclusions are threefold. First, fraud takes on a panoply of forms; it ranges from procedural violations of electoral law (that may or may not intend to distort results) to the outright use of violence against voters. Second, even when ballot rigging is an integral part of electoral competition, it is infrequently decisive. Fraud, nevertheless, undermines political stability because, in close races, it can be crucial. Third, political competition shapes the rhythm and nature of electoral fraud. Efforts to steal elections increase with inequality, but competitiveness—which institutions help to shape—determines the ballot-rigging strategies parties adopt.

Annual Review of Political Science


Volume 6, 2003

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Electoral College and Election Fraud

By Georgy Egorov and Konstantin Sonin

One frequently overlooked aspect of the U.S.-style electoral college system is that it discourages election fraud. In a presidential election based on the popular vote, competing political parties are motivated to manipulate votes in areas where they hold the most significant influence, such as states where they control local executive offices, legislatures, and the judiciary. However, with the electoral college system in place, the incentives for fraud shift to swing states where the local government is politically divided, and fraud is therefore more difficult and costly. Our theoretical model elucidates why the electoral college system provides more effective protection against election fraud compared to the popular vote system. While polarization makes fraud more likely, it does not affect the superiority of the electoral college system.

Chicago: University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics, 2023.

Guest User
No evidence for systematic voter fraud: A guide to statistical claims about the 2020 election

By Andrew C. Eggers , Haritz Garro, and Justin Grimmer

After the 2020 US presidential election Donald Trump refused to concede, alleging widespread and unparalleled voter fraud. Trump’s supporters deployed several statistical arguments in an attempt to cast doubt on the result. Reviewing the most promi nent of these statistical claims, we conclude that none of them is even remotely convincing. The common logic behind these claims is that, if the election were fairly conducted, some feature of the observed 2020 election result would be unlikely or impossible. In each case, we find that the purportedly anomalous fact is either not a fact or not anomalous.   

  PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 45 e2103619118  

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The Effects of Unsubstantiated Claims of Voter Fraud on Confidence in Elections

ByNicolas Berlinski, Margaret Doyle, Andrew M. Guess, Gabrielle Levy, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob M. Montgomery, Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler

   Abstract Political elites sometimes seek to delegitimize election results using unsubstantiated claims of fraud. Most recently, Donald Trump sought to overturn his loss in the 2020 US presidential election by falsely alleging widespread fraud. Our study provides new evidence demonstrating the corrosive effect of fraud claims like these on trust in the election system. Using a nationwide survey experiment conducted after the 2018 midterm elections– a time when many prominent Republicans also made unsubstantiated fraud claims– we show that exposure to claims of voter fraud reduces confidence in electoral integrity, though not support for democracy itself. The effects are concentrated among Republicans and Trump approvers. Worryingly, corrective messages from mainstream sources do not measurably reduce the damage these accusations inflict. These results suggest that unsubstantiated voter-fraud claims undermine confidence in elections, particularly when the claims are politically congenial, and that their effects cannot easily be mitigated by fact-checking.  

Journal of Experimental Political Science (2023), 10,34–49 

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The Effect of Voter and Election Fraud Misperceptions on U.S. Election Legitimacy

By John Carey, Brendan Nyhan, Brian Fogarty,  Jason Reifler

This study reports several experiments testing the e ects of corrective messages debunking false claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 and 2022 U.S. elections as well as a complementary experiment after the 2022 Brazilian presidential election. We find evidence that prebunking false voter fraud claims with substantive information about election security can reduce misperceptions more effectively than corrections from credible sources. Other results indicate that corrections of specific voter fraud claims fail to generate broader changes in perceptions of election integrity and that party (but not putative candidate race) is the major factor in perceptions of voter fraud at the Congressional race level. 

Cambridge, MA: MIT Election Lab, 2024.

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Of One Blood: A Short Study of the Race Problem

By Robert E. Speer

This book emphasizes that all races are part of one human family, created by God, and that racial distinctions are not biological but social constructs. It discusses the erroneous belief in racial superiority and the harm it causes, and argues that races can change and progress through education and environment, not just heredity. The ultimate solution to racial problems is presented as following the teachings of Jesus Christ, promoting love, peace, and unity among all races.

By Tiie Council of Women For Home Missions And Missionary Education Movement Of The United States And Canada. 1924. Read-Me.Org Classic Reprint 2024. .263p.

Philosophy and Leadership: An Evolution of Leadership from Ancient Times to the Digital Age

ByŁukasz SułkowskiZdzisława Dacko-PikiewiczKatarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna

Philosophy and Leadership is an ambitious exploration of leadership's philosophical underpinnings from antiquity to the AI-driven future. The book journeys through history, gleaning insights from eminent philosophers and contextualizing their teachings to leadership. The book's foundational premise lies in the symbiosis of philosophy and leadership. Philosophy provides the "why""that drives the practices and decisions in leadership. This intricate connection is unfolded from the teachings of Confucius on virtue and ethics to the contemporary dialogues of Judith Butler on leadership identity. The book also delves into the evolution of leadership concepts through various eras—medieval times highlighting religious and scholastic perspectives, the Renaissance juxtaposing Machiavellian pragmatism with More's utopian ideals, and the Enlightenment era underscoring the importance of duty, skepticism, and rationality. An exciting aspect of the narrative is the amalgamation of evolution and leadership. By drawing parallels between Darwin's natural selection and leadership dynamics or Bergson's vitalism and intuitive leadership, the authors present a merger of biological evolution with leadership's ever-evolving paradigms. Finally, the concluding chapters reside in envisioning the future and reflect upon the impending synergy between AI and leadership. They emphasize the importance of amalgamating philosophical wisdom with the promises and challenges brought about by AI. The book will guide readers from the philosophical epochs of yore to the AI-predicted leadership paradigms of the future. By intertwining the enduring wisdom of philosophers with the dynamic nature of leadership, this book serves as a beacon for anyone aspiring to lead in any era.

New York: Routledge, 2024. 

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The Philosophy of Human Rights

Edited by Alan S. Rosenbaum

"The Philosophy of Human Rights," edited by Alan S. Rosenbaum, delves into the complex moral and ethical foundations of human rights. This comprehensive collection of essays examines the philosophical underpinnings of human rights, offering diverse perspectives on the fundamental principles that guide our understanding of individual liberties and social justice."

Greenwood Press, 1980, 272 pages

Cape of Torments Slavery and Resistance in South Africa

By Robert Ross

Cape of Torments: Slavery and Resistance in South Africa by Robert Ross offers a comprehensive exploration of the history of slavery in the Cape Colony. Ross delves into the complexities of the institution of slavery in South Africa, shedding light on the experiences of enslaved individuals and their acts of resistance. Through meticulous research and analysis, Ross uncovers the harsh realities faced by slaves in the Cape Colony while also highlighting their resilience and efforts to challenge the system of oppression. A thought-provoking and compelling read, Cape of Torments provides valuable insights into a crucial chapter of South Africa's past.

Taylor & Francis, 2022, 174 pages

Dostoyevsky's Notes From The Underground



Dostoyevsky's Notes From The Underground, published in 1864, is a seminal work in existentialist literature. The novella delves into the psyche of an unnamed narrator, a bitter and isolated former civil servant living in St. Petersburg. Through his disjointed and rambling narrative, the protagonist explores themes of alienation, free will, and the nature of rationality. With its deep psychological insights and existential ponderings, Notes From The Underground remains a profound and thought-provoking read that continues to resonate with readers today.

NY. Monash Press. 1965. 93p.

The Philosophy of Nietzsche


Stanley V. McDaniel

Published in 1886, "The Philosophy of Nietzsche" delves into the revolutionary ideas of the renowned German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Exploring concepts such as the will to power, the eternal recurrence, and the Ubermensch, this influential work challenges traditional beliefs and offers a unique perspective on morality, religion, and human nature. Nietzsche's provocative writings continue to inspire scholars, thinkers, and readers around the world, making this book a timeless cornerstone of philosophical literature.

NY. Monarch Press.1063. 153p.