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Posts in Sociology
Aboriginal deaths in custody: The Royal Commission and its records, 1987–91

By Peter Nagle and Richard Summerrell

On 10 August 1987 the then Prime Minister, the Honourable R J L Hawke, announced the formation of a Royal Commission to investigate the causes of deaths of Aboriginals while held in State and Territory jails. The Royal Commission was established in response to a growing public concern that deaths in custody of Aboriginal people were too common and poorly explained. This Commonwealth Royal Commission was the 108th since Federation. The establishment of the Commission and the appointment of the Honourable Mr Justice Muirhead as Royal Commissioner had the support of all State and Territory governments….Access to records collected or created by government has always been subject to opposing pressures. Access to records is seen as providing a check on arbitrary government power, but privacy considerations and other sensitivities also need to be protected….”

National Archives of Australia. 1996. 85p.

White Man Listen

By Richard Wright

Historical Context: The book discusses the psychological and social impacts of Western colonization on Asian and African societies, highlighting the long-term effects of oppression and cultural disruption.

Psychological Reactions: It explores the psychological responses of oppressed people, including feelings of inferiority, resistance, and the complex dynamics of loyalty and identity.

Cultural Critique: The author critiques both Western and non-Western societies, emphasizing the need for mutual understanding and the dangers of cultural arrogance and ignorance.

References: The document includes numerous references to works by other authors and poets, illustrating the interconnectedness of cultural and literary expressions.

Doubleday, 1957, 190 pages

Racial Conflict in Contemporary Society

By John Stone

Historical Context: The study of race relations became central insociology post-World War II, influenced by decolonization and civilrights movements.

Power Dynamics: Minority groups' power and influence are crucial in understanding racial conflicts and social changes.

Global Perspective: Racial and ethnic conflicts are not limited to the West but are a global phenomenon, affecting socialist and capitalist societies alike.

Social Institutions: Race relations impact various social institutions, including education, employment, and legal systems, highlighting the complexity of achieving racial justice.

Fontana Press / Collins, 1985, 191 pages

Race Nations and Classes

By Herbert Adolphus Miller, PH.D.

Group Dynamics: The book explores the psychology of domination and freedom within groups, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and the development of sentiments for resolving conflicts.

Americanization: It discusses the challenges and paradoxes of Americanization, highlighting the need for a rational and empathetic approach to integrating immigrants.

Pseudo-Science Critique: The author criticizes the misuse of pseudo-science in justifying social hierarchies and emphasizes the need for genuine scientific methods.

Historical Context: The book provides a historical analysis of various social and political conflicts, drawing lessons from past mistakes to suggest better approaches for the future.

Read-Me.Org, 2024, 196 pages

Sociology and the Race Problem: The Failure of a Perspective

By James B. McKee

Historical Context: The book explores the development of the sociology of race relations in the United States, highlighting its evolution from the early 20th century to the 1960s.

Sociological Failure: It critically examines the failure of sociologists to predict and understand the civil rights movement and the subsequent racial struggles in the 1960s.

Perspective Critique: The author argues that the failure was due to the sociologists' perspective, which was shaped by their own social context and often ignored the realities of racial change.

Black Sociologists' Struggle: The book also discusses the challenges faced by black sociologists in expressing their perspectives within a predominantly white academic field.

University of Illinois Press, 1993, 376 pages

Race Relations

By Philip Mason

Purpose and Scope: The book aims to introduce the subject of race relations, drawing on various academic disciplines like biology, psychology, and social anthropology.

Race and Behavior: The author argues that race itself does not determine intelligence or behavior, but beliefs about race significantly impact human behavior and societal structures.

Historical Context: The book discusses historical examples of race relations, including colonialism, slavery, and apartheid, highlighting their long-term effects on societies.

Intelligence: The text explores the concept of intelligence,distinguishing between innate and acquired intelligence, and emphasizes the role of environment and societal expectations in shaping intellectual capacities.

Oxford University Press, 1970, 181 pages

Immigration Raids in Jackson, Mississippi, Five Years Later: An Evidence-Based Analysis to Dissuade Mass Deportation Policy and Promote a New Immigration Pathway

Christopher Ross,

FROM THE DOCUMENT: Immigration is one of, if not the, top voting priority for 2024 American voters [1]. Both political parties are poised to increase asylum restrictions but to disparate degrees. One policy under serious consideration is mass deportation [2]. It is not a novel American immigration policy concept [3]. But introspection from previous attempts should chill the notion of mass deportation being a viable solution worthy of serious consideration. The costs would be exorbitant. It would leave large swaths of American communities decimated. The local and national economies would take serious hits. Families and loved ones would be separated. Already backlogged immigration courts would be further overwhelmed as a matter of due process. Immigration must be addressed, and the rule of law is to be respected. But solutions must equally be practical. An August 2019 immigration raid in Jackson, Mississippi where 680 immigrants were arrested while working at nearby chicken processing plants provides a window to review how mass immigration enforcement, detention, and deportation affects an American community in the 21st century. This paper provides an analysis of the immigration raid and its effects on the local community, economy, and social services. It will also provide a scaled analysis of major metropolitan areas to show the deleterious effects of mass deportation and dissuade the consideration of mass deportation as viable policy. Finally, it will propose an alternative policy that may prove to be in the best interests of all parties involved.

Center for Migration Studies. .August 6, 2024. 63p.

The Art of Riot in England and America

By Ronald Paulson

Art and Riot: The book explores the relationship between art and riot, using James Ensor's painting "The Entry of Christ into Brussels in 1889"as a model for the art of riot

Historical Context: It delves into various historical riots in England andAmerica, including the Gordon Riots and the Peterloo Massacre, and their representations in art and literature.

Literary Analysis: The book examines how riots are depicted in literature, with examples from authors like Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, and John Steinbeck.

Theoretical Perspectives: It discusses the aesthetics and politics of riot, including the role of spectators and the concept of the sublime in the representation of riots.

Owlworks, 2010, 176 pages

Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa

Edited by Robert I. Rotberg

Regional Focus: The book examines governance and terrorism in theHorn of Africa and Yemen, including countries like Djibouti, Eritrea,Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

Terrorism Threat: It discusses thetransnational threat of terrorisminthe region, highlighting the activities of groups like Al Qaeda and theneed for coordinated efforts to combat them.

Governance Issues: The document emphasizes the importance of good governance and political stability in reducing terrorism, suggesting that improved governance can help mitigate the threat.

U.S. Engagement: There are suggestions for more effective U.S.engagement in the region, including diplomatic, intelligence, and military initiatives to support local governments in their fight against terrorism.

World Peace Foundation Brookings Institution Press, 2005, 210 pages

Democracy and America's War on Terror

By Robert L. Ivie

Central Theme: The book critiques the rhetoric surrounding America'swar on terror, focusing on the intersection ofdemocracy, fear, andwar.

Historical Context: It draws parallels between the rhetoric used during the Vietnam War and the post-9/11 era.

Rhetorical Analysis: The author examines how democratic ideals are used to justify war and how rhetoric shapes public perception.

References: The book includes numerous references to previous works and lectures by the author, providing a comprehensive background on the topic.

University of Alabama Press, 2005, 251 pages

God's Assassins State Terrorism In Argentina in the 1970S

By Patricia Marchak

State Terrorism in Argentina: The book explores the period of state terrorism in Argentina from 1976 to 1983, where an estimated 30,000 people disappeared, many were imprisoned illegally, and thousands went into exile.

Historical Context: It delves into the historical origins of violence in Argentina, including the rise of guerrilla organizations and the military's response, leading to widespread fear and repression.

Personal Accounts: The book includes autobiographical accounts from various individuals, providing a rich understanding of the conditions and experiences during the period of state terrorism.

Methodology: The authors used interviews and historical records toconstruct an explanation of why and how state terrorism occurred in Argentina, focusing on the experiences and perceptions of those wholived through it.

McGill-Queen's Press, 1999, 393 pages

Sporting Events, the Trafficking of Women for Sexual Exploitation and Human Rights

By Jayne Caudwell

This chapter explores the possibilities of applying a human rights framework to sexual exploitation, sex work and sporting events. Human rights perspectives are emerging as useful ways to interrogate a range of global social injustices. However, defining sexual exploitation is not straightforward. First, I focus on how sexual exploitation and sex work are understood within human rights instruments. Second, I provide a vivid illustration of the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation. Through this case study, I demonstrate the conditions and mechanisms of supply of, and demand for, women for sexual exploitation. Finally, I return to the existing sport-related literature to elucidate the state of current knowledge of sexual exploitation, sex work and international sporting events. In doing so, I highlight the potential of adopting a human rights framework for future feminist research.

In: The Palgrave Handbook of Feminism and Sport, Leisure and Physical Education. 2017. Pp.537-556.

Dark webs: Uncovering those behind forced labour on commercial fishing fleets

By Alfonso Daniels, Matti Kohonen, Eloy Aroni, Mariama Thiam

Forced labour in the fisheries sector is increasingly being recognised as a widespread human r1 The ILO provides a framework of 11 forced labour crisis. Forced labour is defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) – the UN agency that sets up labour standards to ensure decent working conditions – as “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.”0rced labour risk indicators that apply to the fishing sector, including indicators such as debt-bonded labour, and abusive working and living conditions.02

Boston: Financial Transparency Coalition , 2023. 74p.

Labour exploitation and other work-related crime: a problem analysis and prevention framework.

By Stijn Aerts

Key takeaways 1. Work-related crime refers to all infractions of laws and regulations regarding salary and employment, benefits, taxes and duties. This includes labour exploitation, forced labour, and trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation, as well as all criminal activities that may be related to, or indicative of, these crimes: benefit fraud, tax evasion and money laundering, breaching workplace safety regulations, salary extortion, and so on. 2. Labour exploitation is a particularly harmful crime. First, there is the direct harm (physical, psychological and economic) to victims. Second, exploitation creates unfair competition, having a negative effect on the legal economy and labour market. Third, unfair competition in trade and labour markets, and illegally acquired wealth, may erode trust in institutions and European values. 3. Exploiters make profit through a series of cost-cutting and revenue-generating actions. They save on wages, a safe work environment, taxes and social benefit contributions. Revenue is generated by asking inflated prices for recruitment and housing, by committing different types of benefit fraud, and by out-competing competitors. 4. Offenders use (seemingly) legal business structures and labour mobility options (including posted labour) to create intricate, often international, subcontracting chains that serve to hide illegal activity from plain sight and hamper investigations. 5. There are different prevention strategies, each with their own benefits and disadvantages. Victim-oriented approaches include awareness programmes for potential victims, as well as victim identification and assistance. Buyer-oriented strategies target both personal and corporate buyers, and aim to shrink the market for services and goods produced by exploited labour. Offender-oriented approaches have the objective to create an environment that is risky and unrewarding for offenders to operate in. The latter may be achieved by a mix of criminal justice and administrative probes that benefits from increased information sharing between authorities and across borders.

Brussels: European Crime Prevention Network - EUCPN. 2023. 40p.

Slavery & Identity

By Mieko Nishida

●Thematic Focus: The book offers a new interpretation of urban slaveryin Salvador, Brazil, from 1808 to 1888, exploring the self-perceptions and identities of enslaved Africans and their descendants during theslavery regime, emphasizing factors like ethnicity, gender, and race.

●Structural Overview: It is divided into three parts, each examiningdifferent aspects of identity creation among African-born and Brazilian-born individuals, with chapters detailing the creation, representation,convergence, and re-creation of identities within the historical contextof New World slavery.

●Research Foundation: Nishida's work is grounded in primary sources and reflects her personal journey of identity search, paralleling the experiences of her subjects who navigated their identities amidst socio-political transitions in Brazil, such as the end of the transatlantic slave trade and the abolition of slavery.

Indiana University Press, 2003, 255 pages

Slavery in Dutch South Africa

By Nigel Worden

This book provides a comprehensive study of slavery in Dutch SouthAfrica, covering various aspects such as the historical context, the role of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), the economic impact of slavery, and the social dynamics between slaves and their masters. Here are some key insights.It details the establishment and growth of a slave society in South Africa under Dutch colonial rule from 1652 to 1795, and examines the economic aspects of slavery, including the profitability of slave labor and its integration into the colonial mercantilist system.It explores the relationships between slaves and their masters, the legal framework governing slavery, and the mechanisms of control and resistance within the slave society. The study places Cape slavery within a broader comparative framework, challenging traditional views and highlighting the complexities of the slave system at the Cape.These insights provide a nuanced understanding of the institution of slavery in Dutch South Africa and its implications for the region's history and development

Cambridge University Press, 1985 , 107 pages

Sheriffs, State Troopers, and the Spillover Effects of Immigration Policing

By Huyen Pham & Pham Hoang Van.

As the Biden Administration decides whether to continue the 287(g) program (the controversial program deputizing local law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration laws), our research shows that the program has broader negative effects on policing behavior than previously identified. To date, debate about the 287(g) program has focused exclusively on the policing behavior of law enforcement agencies like sheriff’s offices that sign the agreements, and on concerns that these signatory local enforcement agencies (“LEAs”) engage in racial profiling. Our research shows that the agreements also negatively affect the behavior of nearby, non-signatory law enforcement agencies. Using 18 million traffic stops drawn from the Stanford Open Policing Project, we find that the agreements caused state troopers in North Carolina and South Carolina to stop Hispanic drivers more often than White drivers, in order to funnel them into the intensive immigration screening conducted by signatory LEAs at the shared jails. Because trooper agencies did not sign the agreements, statistical associations between the presence of agreements and the differential treatment of drivers by race are not contaminated by unobserved confounding factors. Our identification of these previously unnoticed spillover effects raises important policy questions about the program’s impact and the adequacy of existing legal and administrative controls.

Arizona Law Review, 2022. 41p.

Crimmigration and the Legitimacy Of Immigration Law


Crimmigration law—the intersection of immigration and criminal law—with its emphasis on immigration enforcement, has been central in discussions over political compromise on immigration reform. Yet crimmigration law’s singular approach to interior immigration and criminal law enforcement threatens to undermine public faith in the legitimacy of immigration law. This Article explores the significance of crimmigration for the procedural legitimacy of immigration law. Seminal scholars of psychological jurisprudence have concluded that perceptions about procedural justice—whether the law and legal authorities treat people fairly—are often more important than a favorable outcome, such as winning a case or avoiding arrest. Crimmigration introduces procedural deficiencies into immigration law that may undermine people’s perceptions of its legitimacy. These deficiencies, seen through the lens of psychological jurisprudence, mean that individuals and institutions are less likely to trust immigration law and cooperate with immigration authorities. This Article applies specific criteria that jurisprudential psychologists have shown influence perceptions about justice. It predicts that the core procedural deficiencies of crimmigration—which bar access to immigration benefits, undermine procedural safeguards for fair and accurate outcomes, and embed racialization into immigration enforcement—will undermine perceptions about the legitimacy of immigration law. This has important implications for immigration reform. If immigration enforcement lacks procedural justice, any compromise struck with crimmigration at its core will exacerbate public distrust of immigration law.

Arizona Law Review, 2023. 47p.

Immigration Detention is Never “Presumptively Reasonable”: Strengthening Protections for Immigrants with Final Removal Orders

By Elizabeth Hannah

Immigration detention is a central feature of the United States’ immigration system. Noncitizens facing removal are detained in staggering numbers throughout the removal process, from the initiation of legal proceedings to the issuance of a final removal order. Moreover, as the U.S. government’s reliance upon immigration detention has grown, the Supreme Court has systematically stripped noncitizens of important substantive and procedural protections. This is especially true in the post-removal-order context, where a series of recent decisions have placed more people than ever at risk of prolonged detention without a bond hearing. Three cases in particular—Johnson v. Guzman Chavez (2021), Johnson v. Arteaga-Martinez (2022), and Garland v. Aleman Gonzalez (2022)—have increased the likelihood that noncitizens subject to post-removal-order detention will remain incarcerated for months or years, even if they have pending claims for relief. This Note describes each of these three cases and explains how, together, they severely undermine the rights of noncitizens with final removal orders. This Note further argues that people facing post-removal-order detention should be entitled to rigorous due process protections. Even though detention constitutes a clear deprivation of liberty, the Supreme Court has held that six months of post-removal-order detention is “presumptively reasonable.” This Note criticizes that premise and asserts that no period of immigration detention is presumptively reasonable. In other words, even if the Court had decided Guzman Chavez, Arteaga-Martinez, and Aleman Gonzalez in favor of the noncitizen plaintiffs, the existing framework would still be insufficient to protect immigrants in post-removal-order detention from experiencing protracted and unnecessary trauma. This Note therefore posits that, at minimum, immigrants with final removal orders should receive a bond hearing before an immigration judge at the close of the 90-day mandatory detention period. While more radical solutions like detention abolition are ultimately in order, a 90-day bond hearing requirement would at least provide noncitizens facing post-removal-order detention a meaningful opportunity to secure release from custody.

Arizona Law Review, 2023. 36p.

Navigating through your supply chain. Toolkit for prevention of labour exploitation and trafficking

By Anni Lietonen, Anniina Jokinen, Natalia Ollus 

In recent years, the issue of labour trafficking and exploitation in global supply chains has gained more and more attention. Businesses are under increasing scrutiny from consumers, media, civil society, investors and governments to behave in an ethical manner. However, there has been less focus on local and national structures. It is a common practice for businesses to rely on subcontractors/suppliers, or to use contractual partners who use subcontractors for specialised, project-related or short-term work. In recent years, cases of labour exploitation in supply/subcontracting chains have been uncovered around the world, as well as in Europe. With increased mobility of workers and increasingly complex supply chains, there is a growing need to ensure that all involved parties know their rights and obligations. This can prevent the exploitation of migrant workers and the risk of businesses becoming involved in such scenarios. This risk management toolkit has been developed in the context of the EU-funded FLOW-project. Its purpose is to give companies a brief overview of what labour exploitation and trafficking are, as well as to demonstrate the risks for businesses, and how involvement in such scenarios can be effectively avoided. These tools focus on the practical implementation of due diligence procedures, such as gathering information through worker-led monitoring and grievance mechanisms. The aim is to provide “hands-on” measures for businesses that can be used to navigate and control complex supply chain networks, especially in a local, national and intra-European context with the focus on preventing exploitation and trafficking. The measures include conducting a risk assessment, drafting an anti-trafficking strategy, screening contractual partners, incorporating specific contractual clauses and organising workplace assessments/inspections concerning the activities of subcontractors or other contractual partners. To supplement this toolkit, a Normative Framework Guide (HEUNI Publication Series No. 94) has also been developed as part of the FLOW-project, which provides a summarised overview of existing legal frameworks outlining businesses' responsibilities with regard to human rights, with a focus on labour exploitation and human trafficking. Outsourcing of work through subcontracting and the use of temporary workers in overly flexible employment relationships makes it more difficult for companies to assess the working conditions under which goods and services are produced (FRA 2015; Jokinen & Ollus 2019). The more layers in the supply chain, the more difficult it is to survey how the subcontractors carry out their business. In the worst-case scenario, legitimate business structures and lengthy supply chains may reveal serious forms of exploitation or even human trafficking. Concern over workers’ rights at all levels of the supply chain, in particular at the lower end of a subcontracting chain, should be included in responsible business policies. Committing to respecting Business and Human Rights (BHR) agreements alone cannot guarantee that a company is not unknowingly involved in labour exploitation or trafficking. Proactive businesses can mitigate such risks more efficiently by engaging in risk management, inspections and monitoring of working conditions. Who should use this tool? Managers, experts, and representatives of: ○ Businesses, NGOs and/or organisations that use low-skilled migrant workers through outsourcing, subcontracting, and recruitment companies and labour intermediaries in, e.g., construction, cleaning or catering services ○ Businesses working in risk sectors where labour exploitation or human trafficking have been identified ○ Public procurement units working for states, municipalities and/or state enterprises ○ Corporate Social Responsibility experts and networks Businesses should take steps to strengthen their role in regulating the labour supply and in recognising the signs of labour exploitation. Effective and proactive measures to tackle labour exploitation deters criminal enterprises from entering labour supply chains and promotes fair competition and decent work.     

Helsinki: HEUNI, 2020. 60p.