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Posts in Human Rights
The Unequal Homeless: Men on the Streets, Women in their Place

May Contain Markup

By Joanne Passaro

Gender and Homelessness: The book explores how gender differences contribute to the persistence of homelessness, with a focus black men in New York City.

Cultural and Moral Location: Homelessness is not just an economic issue but also a cultural and moral one, where homeless men are seen as both hypermasculinized and emasculated.

Survival Strategies: Homeless women often strategize to appear"worthy" to move through the system, while homeless men lack similar strategies and face greater stigmatization.

Impact of Family Structures: The book argues that nuclear family ideologies play a significant role in who remains homeless versus who becomes houseless.

Psychology Press, 1996, 128 pages

Our Civil Liberties

May Contain Markup

By Osmond K. Praenkel

Importance of Civil Liberties: The document emphasizes that civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and protection from arbitrary arrests, are fundamental to a free society.

Historical Context: It discusses the origins and development of civil liberties in the United States, particularly through the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments.

Challenges and Limitations: The text highlights the challenges in fully realizing civil liberties, including during wartime and in the face of discrimination.

Role of the Judiciary: The document underscores the critical role of courts in interpreting and enforcing civil liberties, ensuring that government actions do not infringe on individual rights.

The Viking Press, 1944, 277 pages

Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability

May Contain Markup

By Jeff Karabanow, Sean Kidd, Tyler Frederick, and Jean Hughes

Study Focus: The book explores the lived experiences of homeless in Canada, focusing on their transition from homelessness stability.

Methodology: The study used a longitudinal mixed-method approach, involving in-depth qualitative interviews and questionnaires with 51 participants over a year.

Key Findings: Factors influencing the transition include consistent support,feelings of belonging,life and social skills, and housing stability.

Challenges: Youth face significant challenges such as instability,scheduling issues, and engagement difficulties during their transition.

Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, May 30, 2018, 147 pages

Evaluating Programs for the Homeless

May Contain Markup

Edited by Debra J. Rog

Complexity of Homelessness: Homelessness is a multifaceted issue involving various subgroups such as mentally ill individuals, families with children, and those with substance abuse problems. Understanding These complexities is crucial for effective interventions.

Mixed-Method Approaches: Estimating the number of homeless individuals requires mixed methods to produce reasonable estimates, as highlighted by David S. Cordray.

Evaluation Challenges: Evaluating programs for the homeless, such as those targeting substance abuse or mental health, involves significant methodological and practical challenges, including diverse evaluation designs and data collection issues.

Program Evaluations: The document reviews several large-scale national demonstration programs, emphasizing the importance of both individual and system-level evaluations to improve service delivery and policy implications.

Jossey-Bass, 1991, 94 pages

Homeless Families: Failed Policies and Young Victims

By Lisa Klee Mihaly

Homelessness Impact: Homelessness severely affects children's health,emotional well-being, and development, often leading to long-term consequences.

Causes of Homelessness: Major causes include inadequate income,lack of affordable housing, and insufficient family support systems.

Policy Failures: Current policies and emergency shelters are insufficient to address the needs of homeless families.

Recommendations: The document suggests increasing affordable housing, improving income support, and providing comprehensive services to prevent and address homelessness.

Children’s Defense Fund, 1991, 25 pages

The Homeless Problem

May Contain Markup

Edited by Matthew A. Kraljic

Homelessness Statistics: The document discusses the challenges inaccurately quantifying the homeless population, highlighting discrepancies in data sources and the implications of these numbers.

Causes of Homelessness: It identifies multiple causes, including urban renewal, lack of affordable housing, insufficient mental health care, and economic disparities.

Impact on Different Demographics: The document emphasizes that homelessness affects various groups, including former middle-class individuals, children, and rural populations.

Potential Solutions: It explores potential solutions, such as combining volunteerism, private sector aid, and public policy initiatives to address homelessness more effectively.

The H.W Wilson Company, 1992, 162 pages

Aboriginal deaths in custody: The Royal Commission and its records, 1987–91

By Peter Nagle and Richard Summerrell

On 10 August 1987 the then Prime Minister, the Honourable R J L Hawke, announced the formation of a Royal Commission to investigate the causes of deaths of Aboriginals while held in State and Territory jails. The Royal Commission was established in response to a growing public concern that deaths in custody of Aboriginal people were too common and poorly explained. This Commonwealth Royal Commission was the 108th since Federation. The establishment of the Commission and the appointment of the Honourable Mr Justice Muirhead as Royal Commissioner had the support of all State and Territory governments….Access to records collected or created by government has always been subject to opposing pressures. Access to records is seen as providing a check on arbitrary government power, but privacy considerations and other sensitivities also need to be protected….”

National Archives of Australia. 1996. 85p.

Holding the Government Accountable: Missing Indigenous Deaths in Custody

By Maren Machles

“This is one of 16 deaths in custody detailed in a report the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) commissioned in 2021. The details of what took place and who this individual was are vague because the report was heavily redacted. The agency hired an outside contractor to review the investigations of 16 deaths that took place in a handful of the more than 90 detention centers the BIA operates and/or funds on tribal lands. The BIA has yet to publish the report. However, POGO’s analysis of a redacted version of the report, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), raises troubling questions about the BIA’s compliance with federal requirements around reporting deaths in custody, whether those deaths are being adequately counted and investigated by the agency, and whether proposed reforms would address why these deaths occur in the first place.”

Program on Government Oversight. POGO. June 27. 2023. 9p.

White Man Listen

By Richard Wright

Historical Context: The book discusses the psychological and social impacts of Western colonization on Asian and African societies, highlighting the long-term effects of oppression and cultural disruption.

Psychological Reactions: It explores the psychological responses of oppressed people, including feelings of inferiority, resistance, and the complex dynamics of loyalty and identity.

Cultural Critique: The author critiques both Western and non-Western societies, emphasizing the need for mutual understanding and the dangers of cultural arrogance and ignorance.

References: The document includes numerous references to works by other authors and poets, illustrating the interconnectedness of cultural and literary expressions.

Doubleday, 1957, 190 pages

Racial Conflict in Contemporary Society

By John Stone

Historical Context: The study of race relations became central insociology post-World War II, influenced by decolonization and civilrights movements.

Power Dynamics: Minority groups' power and influence are crucial in understanding racial conflicts and social changes.

Global Perspective: Racial and ethnic conflicts are not limited to the West but are a global phenomenon, affecting socialist and capitalist societies alike.

Social Institutions: Race relations impact various social institutions, including education, employment, and legal systems, highlighting the complexity of achieving racial justice.

Fontana Press / Collins, 1985, 191 pages

Race Nations and Classes

By Herbert Adolphus Miller, PH.D.

Group Dynamics: The book explores the psychology of domination and freedom within groups, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and the development of sentiments for resolving conflicts.

Americanization: It discusses the challenges and paradoxes of Americanization, highlighting the need for a rational and empathetic approach to integrating immigrants.

Pseudo-Science Critique: The author criticizes the misuse of pseudo-science in justifying social hierarchies and emphasizes the need for genuine scientific methods.

Historical Context: The book provides a historical analysis of various social and political conflicts, drawing lessons from past mistakes to suggest better approaches for the future.

Read-Me.Org, 2024, 196 pages

Sociology and the Race Problem: The Failure of a Perspective

By James B. McKee

Historical Context: The book explores the development of the sociology of race relations in the United States, highlighting its evolution from the early 20th century to the 1960s.

Sociological Failure: It critically examines the failure of sociologists to predict and understand the civil rights movement and the subsequent racial struggles in the 1960s.

Perspective Critique: The author argues that the failure was due to the sociologists' perspective, which was shaped by their own social context and often ignored the realities of racial change.

Black Sociologists' Struggle: The book also discusses the challenges faced by black sociologists in expressing their perspectives within a predominantly white academic field.

University of Illinois Press, 1993, 376 pages

Race Relations

By Philip Mason

Purpose and Scope: The book aims to introduce the subject of race relations, drawing on various academic disciplines like biology, psychology, and social anthropology.

Race and Behavior: The author argues that race itself does not determine intelligence or behavior, but beliefs about race significantly impact human behavior and societal structures.

Historical Context: The book discusses historical examples of race relations, including colonialism, slavery, and apartheid, highlighting their long-term effects on societies.

Intelligence: The text explores the concept of intelligence,distinguishing between innate and acquired intelligence, and emphasizes the role of environment and societal expectations in shaping intellectual capacities.

Oxford University Press, 1970, 181 pages

The Life and Struggles of Negro Toilers

By George Padmore

Oppression of Negro Toilers: The document details the severe exploitation and oppression of Negro workers across various regions, including British, French, Belgian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian Africa.

Black Slaves in the New World: It discusses the conditions of black slaves in the United States, the West Indies, and Latin America, highlighting the brutal realities of slavery and its lasting impacts.

Revolutionary Movements : The document describes the awakening and revolutionary movements among Negro workers in different regions, emphasizing their struggles for freedom and better living conditions.

Imperialist Exploitation: It outlines the role of imperialist powers in exploiting Negro workers and the economic and social challenges faced by these communities under imperialist rule.

Read-Me.Org, 2024, 126 pages

The Economics of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century

Edited by William Gervase & Clarence-Smith

Significant Slave Trade: Over a million slaves were exported from Indian Ocean and Red Sea ports in Eastern Africa during the 19th century, with millions more moved within the continent.

Economic Impact: The slave trade expanded significantly in the 19th century, driven by demand for labor in the western Indian Ocean and improved maritime security.

Diverse Uses: Slaves were used in various roles, including laborers, concubines, eunuchs, and administrators, with significant numbers employed in agriculture, urban economies, and domestic roles.

Regional Variations: The nature and scale of slavery varied across regions, with some areas like Zanzibar and Pemba having plantation systems similar to the New World, while others had more subsistence-based servitude.

Frank Cass & Co Ltd., 1989, 222 pages

Can the White Race Survive?

By James Denson Sayers

Racial Purity: The author argues that the survival of American Civilization depends on maintaining the purity of the white race and avoiding racial amalgamation.

Historical Examples : The book cites historical instances where civilizations allegedly declined due to racial mixing.

Racial Hierarchy: The author asserts a hierarchy of races, with the white race being superior in intellect and capability.

Proposed Solutions: The book suggests measures to preserve racial purity, including segregation and preventing racial mixing.

Independent Publishing Company, 1929, 255 pages

The Transatlantic Slave Trade Volume 4

Edited by David Ryden

Economic Challenges: British West Indian planters faced rising slave prices, higher provisioning costs, and warfare on the high seas, making sugar planting increasingly costly.

Political and Social Threats: Planters were anxious about slave uprisings and the anti-slave trade movement, which threatened their industry.

Pro-Slavery Arguments: Pro-slavery writers defended the slave trade using arguments based on mercantilism, imperialism, and humanitarianism, emphasizing national wealth and security.

References: The document includes various pamphlets and reports defending the slave trade, providing insight into 18th-century attitudes toward race, work, and power.

London Pickering & Chatto, 2003, 428 pages

The Transatlantic Slave Trade Volume 3

Edited by John Oldfield

British Dominance and Abolition: The British were the leading nation in the transatlantic slave trade during the 18th century but also spearheaded the abolition movement.

Economic vs. Moral Debate: Historians debate whether the abolition was driven by economic decline in the British Caribbean or by moral and humanitarian reasons.

Abolitionist Campaigns: The Society for Effecting the Abolition of theSlave Trade, formed in 1787, played a crucial role in mobilizing public opinion through petitions, pamphlets, and international cooperation.

Impact of the American Revolution: The American Revolution influenced British abolitionist thought, linking political representation and freedom with the fight against slavery.

London Pickering & Chatto, 2003, 373 pages

The Transatlantic Slave Trade Volume 2

Edited by Kenneth Morgan

Royal African Company: Established in 1672, it played a significant role in the British transatlantic slave trade, supplying slaves from Africa to the Americas, especially the British Caribbean

Challenges and Decline: The company faced financial pressures, competition from private traders, and difficulties in maintaining its forts and settlements in West Africa, leading to its decline.

Historical Context: The document provides detailed accounts of the company's operations, financial struggles, and the broader context of the British involvement in the transatlantic slave trade.

References: The document includes multiple historical texts and references related to the Royal African Company and the British slave trade.

London Pickering & Chatto, 2003, 345 pages

The Transatlantic Slave Trade Volume 1

The Transatlantic Slave Trade Volume 1 Edited by Robin Law

British Involvement: The British were major participants in the transatlantic slave trade from 1660 to 1807, transporting over 3 million enslaved Africans to the New World

Economic Impact: The slave trade was integral to the British Empire's growth, stimulating shipbuilding, port development, and long-distance trade

Abolition Movement: Despite their involvement in the slave trade, Britain also led the abolitionist movement, culminating in the abolition of the slave trade in 1807 and slavery itself in 1834.

References: The document contains numerous references and excerpts from historical texts and accounts related to the slave trade.

London Pickering & Chatto, 2003, 387 pages