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Posts tagged Criminal Legal System
Excessive Sentencers: Using Appellate Decisions to Enhance Judicial Transparency

By: Scrutinize and The Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU School of Law.

Increased focus on state judiciaries has significant potential to improve the criminal legal system. Recognizing the need for evaluation metrics for judges, this report pioneers a data-driven, evidence-based approach to assessing the judiciary. We analyze written appellate decisions to quantify individual trial court judges' decisions and impacts. This methodology transforms complex judicial texts into accessible data, creating metrics of judicial performance for use by policymakers and the public. This report introduces ‘excessive sentence findings’ as a method to assess individual judges’ decisions and their impact. In New York, appellate courts review sentences for excessiveness and can reduce them in the “interest of justice,” a rare and clear signal—from highly respected institutional actors—that a lower court judge made an exceptionally troubling choice. We identify lower court judges with sentences reduced by appellate courts for being excessive and calculate the total number of years reduced from those sentences. The study reveals patterns of repeated excessive sentencing by several specific judges, raising questions about judicial accountability in New York.

Key Findings:

  • Sixty-five lower court judges were found to have engaged in excessive sentencing more than once between 2007 and 2023.

  • The 12 judges with five or more most excessive sentence findings had their sentences reduced by a total of 1,246 years.

  • Two judges had a total of 39 excessive sentence findings between them, with the appellate court reducing a total of 684.5 years from the sentences they imposed.


  • New York’s court system should increase its transparency by releasing detailed, judge-level sentencing data.

  • New York’s court system should publish annual reports summarizing excessive sentence findings and detailing the judges involved, the legal arguments made, and the appeal outcomes.

New York: The Authors, 2024. 32p.

Paying the Price New Mexico’s Practice Of Arresting And Incarcerating People For Nonpayment Of Court Debt

By Maria Rafael

The United States’ criminal legal system is often described as a two-tiered system that treats people differently based on their social status, wealth, and power.1 In a two-tiered criminal legal system, those with money, social connections, or political influence may receive preferential treatment in the form of lighter sentences, leniency with respect to court-ordered obligations, or even freedom.2 Meanwhile, people without those advantages are likely to face harsher punishments, limited access to legal resources or representation, and even mistreatment from system actors.3 In the context of fines and fees, having the resources to settle court-imposed charges can make the difference between a quick resolution of a case or an extended entanglement with the criminal legal system. Those who struggle to pay their debt extend the length of time of their involvement with and obligations to the courts, which can require regular payments, court appearances, community service, and even incarceration. All of this creates chances for people to fail at meeting these obligations, which can trigger a host of legal and collateral consequences that extend the period of surveillance further still. In short, those without money have far more punitive experiences than those who have the resources to quickly pay off their debts 


New York: Vera Institute of Justice, 2024. 37p.