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Posts in Philosophy
The Possible Pleasures and Pains of Philosophy


By Prof. Ben-Ami Scharfstein

From a short story,Fragments on Method By Graeme R. Newman:“Once a meat carver was about to eat an orange, when an outrageous question beset him: What is an orange? Hisinstant inclination was to cut the orange up, which he did, dividing it into three parts. It so happened that one of the parts was much bigger than the other two. The meat carver was delighted, and proceeded to slice the large piece into 6 pieces, whereas the other two parts could be sliced into only two pieces each.

An apprentice had watched this enterprise from the beginning, and was fascinated by the meat carver's obvious satisfaction. "What pleases you so?" asked the apprentice."I now know not only why this is an orange, but also, this larger piece tells me much more about the orange than the other two pieces combined."

609 pages

Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment


Edited by Gertrude Ezorsky

Concepts of Punishment: Explore Definitions and fundamental ideas about punishment, including its role in enforcing obedience and expressing societal condemnation.

The Justification of Punishment:oTeleological Theories: Discusses punishment as a means to achieve beneficial outcomes, such as deterrence and reform.oRetributivism: Argues that punishment is justified as a form of justice and moral right.

Teleological Retributivism: Combines elements of both teleological and retributive theories, emphasizing justice and beneficial consequences.

Strict Liability: Examines the rationale and implications of imposing punishment without the need to prove intent or negligence.

The Death Penalty: Analyzes the moral and practical arguments for and against capital punishment.

Alternatives to Punishment:Investigates non-punitive measures such as rehabilitation and societal approaches to crime.

The book features contributions from notable philosophers like Plato, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx, providing a comprehensive analysis of the ethical, legal, and social dimensions of punishment.

State University of New York Press, 2015, 377 pages

Fortitudes of Creativity


Edited by Hemdat Libi Israeli

Introduction and OverviewThe book is dedicated to Shlomo Giora Shoham, celebrating his interdisciplinary contributions. It includes essays from various scholars, reflecting on creativity from multiple perspectives.

Criminology and CreativitySentencing Reform and the Role of the Criminologist: Discusses the evolution of criminology and sentencing reforms over fifty years, emphasizing the need for criminologists to adapt to new legislative frameworks.Evolution,Development, and Comparative Criminology: Explores how evolutionary and developmental theories can inform comparative criminology,suggesting that understanding crime requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Philosophical Perspectives Martin Buber: His Place in Twentieth-Century Philosophy: Analyzes Buber Philosophical contributions, particularly his ideas on human relations and the significance of dialogue.Rethinking Turing Test: Identity, Learning, and Self-Improvement: Examines the limitations of theTuring Test in assessing machine intelligence, arguing for a more nuanced understanding of identity and learning.

Psychological InsightsEmotional Morphology and Mythology: Investigates the relationship between emotions and mythological thinking, highlighting how myths shape emotional responses and cognitive processes.The Years of Extermination: A Plea for an Integrated History of the Holocaust:Calls for a comprehensive history of the Holocaust that includes the perspectives of both perpetrators and victims, emphasizing the complexity of human behavior during this period.

Art and CreativityPictures at an Exhibition: Art Galleries, the Academy, and Anti-Israel Polemics:Discusses how art exhibitions can be used to advance political agendas, using examples from Chicago to illustrate the intersection of art and politics.Jerusalem against Athens: Towards a Biblical Psychology: Contrasts Greek andBiblical views on psychology, suggesting that Biblical narratives offer a more hopeful and transformative perspective on human behavior.

Reflections on CreativityThe essays collectively argue that creativity is a multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be fully understood through a single disciplinary lens.They emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in exploring the depths of human creativity and its impact on various fields.

Overall,“The Fortitudes of Creativity” provides a rich and diverse exploration of creativity honoring Shoham’s legacy by bringing together insights from criminology, philosophy, psychology, and art.

Israel, 2010, 264 pages

Contemporary Philosophy: Philosophy in Service to Humanity

May Contain Markup

Editor-in-Chief, Wendy Koenig

Metaphysical Criminology: This field analyzes crime through metaphysical contexts, bridging gaps between metaphysical good and criminological bad.

Criminological Limitations: Traditional criminology often ignores metaphysical aspects due to its focus on observable and measurable data.

Integration of Disciplines: The document advocates for integrating metaphysical analysis with criminological research to better understand and address crime. 

Debate Highlights: The Ryan/Pabst debate explores the strengths and weaknesses of metaphysical criminology, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach between secular and spiritual perspectives.

REALIA, Institute for Advanced Philosophic Research, 2007, 36 pages

The Philosophy of Aristotle



"The Philosophy of Aristotle" delves into the foundational ideas of one of history's most influential philosophers. Aristotle's insights on ethics, politics, metaphysics, and more continue to shape our understanding of the world. This comprehensive exploration provides a deep dive into Aristotle's philosophical system, making it an essential read for scholars and anyone interested in classical philosophy.

NY. Monarch Press.1966. 281p.