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Posts in short stories
Round the Camp Fire


By E. E. Reynolds

FROM THE PREFACE: “The yarns in this book are all narratives of actual experiences. It is not usually difficult to get the books written by famous explorers, such as Livingstone, and their achievements are also recorded in biographies; but there have been a great many men who have travelled in the lesser known parts of the world without becoming famous. Many of the stories that follow are drawn from the adventures ofsuch minor explorers. One group. of the yarns is about early settlers in the Dominions; these men and women had to endure much hardship while creating new homes, but unfortunately few of themrecorded their experiences.

Oxford University Press. 1953. 160p.

The Jungle Book

By Rudyard Kipling

PUBLISHER PREFACE: The book you are about to read is composed of stories written by Rudyard Kipling. Originally, these stories were in two volumes entitled "The Jungle Book." * and " The Second Jungle Book." The present volume combines all of the Mowgli Stories under one cover. In addition, "Rikki Tikki Tavi," "The Elephant Boy," * and "The Miracle of Purun Bhagat" have been included. Certain other stories that appeared in the original books have been omitted due to limitations of space. The stories that do appear in this book are unabridged, exactly as Kipling originally published them.

London. Classic Press and Ottenhelmer publishers. 1968, 1979. 225p. UNSED BOOK CONTAINS MARK-UP

Just So Stories For Little Children

By Rudyard Kipling

FROM THE COVER: "Once upon a Time O Best Beloved," and so begins one of the best loved and most respected collections of stories for children, Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories. This edition includes the author's own unique illustrations. Kipling's bold linear fantasies, in the style of art nouveau, as well as his attention to realistic detail, create an intriguing and strikingly different interpretation. The first tale, "How the Whale Got Its Throat," a tall tale of a big whale, sets the tone for these wild "venturesome adventures," to use Kipling's words. One glance at the table of contents will reveal that the Just So Stories appeal most to inquisitive and fantasy-loving minds. These are stories which tell us of the Time of Very Beginnings;…”

London. Crown Publishers.. 1978. Originally published 1937. 211p. USED BOOK


By Jorge Luis Borges

From the cover: ". unquestionably the most brilliant South American writing today. . .one of the genuine prose talents of our pe- riod. Written with a classical economy of means and under the control of a mind of wide culture and deep sensitivity, his stories will continue echoing in the minds of his readers as do those of Franz Kafka." -Herald Tribune Books

NY. Grove Press. 1962. 164p. USED BOOK. CONTAINS MARK-UP.

Labyrinths: Selected Stories And Other Writings

By Jorge Luis Borges. Edited by Donald A. Yates and James E. Irby

FROM THE PREFACE: Jorge Luis Borges is a great writer who has composed only little essays or short narratives. Yet they suffice for us to call him great because of their wonderful intelligence, their wealth of invention and their tight, almost mathematical, style. Argentine by birth and temperament, but nurtured on univer- sal literature, Borges has no spiritual homeland. He creates, outside time and space, imaginary and symbolic worlds. It is a sign of his importance that, in placing him, only strange and perfect works can be called to mind. He is akin to Kafka, Poe, sometimes to Henry James and Wells, always to Valéry by the abrupt projection of his paradoxes in what has been called 'his private metaphysics'.

London. Penguin. 1964. 276p. USED BOOK. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Trial

By Franz Kafka. Translated by David Wyllie

From Wikipedia: The Trial (German: Der Process,[1] previously Der Proceß, Der Prozeß and Der Prozess) is a novel written by Franz Kafka in 1914 and 1915 and published posthumously on 26 April 1925. One of his best known works, it tells the story of Josef K., a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader. Heavily influenced by Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, Kafka even went so far as to call Dostoevsky a blood relative.[2] Like Kafka's two other novels, The Castleand Amerika, The Trial was never completed, although it does include a chapter which appears to bring the story to an intentionally abrupt ending.

After Kafka's death in 1924 his friend and literary executor Max Brod edited the text for publication by Verlag Die Schmiede. The original manuscript is held at the Museum of Modern Literature, Marbach am Neckar, Germany. The first English-language translation, by Willa and Edwin Muir, was published in 1937.[3] In 1999, the book was listed in Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century and as No. 2 of the Best German Novels of the Twentieth Century.

Berlin. Verlag Die Schmiede. 1925. 213p. CONTAINS MARK-UP


By Franz Kafka. Translated by David Wyllie

From Wikipedia: Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella written by Franz Kafka which was first published in 1915. One of Kafka's best-known works, Metamorphosis tells the story of salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect (German: ungeheueres Ungeziefer, lit. "monstrousvermin") and subsequently struggles to adjust to this new condition. The novella has been widely discussed among literary critics, with differing interpretations being offered. In popular culture and adaptations of the novella, the insect is commonly depicted as a cockroach.

With a length of about 70 printed pages over three chapters, it is the longest of the stories Kafka considered complete and published during his lifetime. The text was first published in 1915 in the October issue of the journal Die weißen Blätter under the editorship of René Schickele. The first edition in book form appeared in December 1915 in the series Der jüngste Tag, edited by Kurt Wolff.[1]

Leipzig. Kurt Wolff Verlag . 1915. 49p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories

By Franz Kafka. : Willa and Edwin Muir, Tania and James Stern

This is a 1971 collection of all Kafka’s finished works. It contains all the amazing, weird and wonderful unsettling stories from Metamorphisis to In the Penal Colony.From Wikipedia: “In 1912, Kafka wrote Die Verwandlung (The Metamorphosis, or The Transformation),[150] published in 1915 in Leipzig. The story begins with a travelling salesman waking to find himself transformed into an ungeheures Ungeziefer, a monstrous vermin, Ungezieferbeing a general term for unwanted and unclean pests, especially insects. Critics regard the work as one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century.[151][152][153] The story "In der Strafkolonie" ("In the Penal Colony"), dealing with an elaborate torture and execution device, was written in October 1914,[82] revised in 1918, and published in Leipzig during October 1919. The story "Ein Hungerkünstler" ("A Hunger Artist"), published in the periodical Die neue Rundschau in 1924, describes a victimized protagonist who experiences a decline in the appreciation of his strange craft of starving himself for extended periods.[154] His last story, "Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse" ("Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk"), also deals with the relationship between an artist and his audience.[155]

NY. Schoken. 1971. 487p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Uncommercial Traveller

By Charles Dickens

From Wikipedia: “In 1859 Dickens founded a new journal called All the Year Round, and the "Uncommercial Traveller" articles would be among his main contributions. He seems to have chosen the title and persona of the Uncommercial Traveller as a result of a speech he gave on 22 December 1859 to the Commercial Travellers' School in London,[1] in his role as honorary chairman and treasurer. The persona sits well with a writer who liked to travel, not only as a tourist, but also to research and report what he found visiting Europe, America and giving book readings throughout Britain. He did not seem content to rest late in his career when he had attained wealth and comfort and continued travelling locally, walking the streets of London in the mould of the flâneur, a "gentleman stroller of city streets". He often suffered from insomnia and his night-time wanderings gave him an insight into some of the hidden aspects of Victorian London, details of which he also incorporated into his novels.”

London: Chapman & Hall, Ld. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1905. 370p.

Some Short Christmas Stories

By Charles Dickens

The opening of “A Christman story”. I have been looking on, this evening, at a merry company of children assembled round that pretty German toy, a Christmas Tree.  The tree was planted in the middle of a great round table, and towered high above their heads.  It was brilliantly lighted by a multitude of little tapers; and everywhere sparkled and glittered with bright objects.  There were rosy-cheeked dolls, hiding behind the green leaves; and there were real watches (with movable hands, at least, and an endless capacity of being wound up) dangling from innumerable twigs; there were French-polished tables, chairs, bedsteads, wardrobes, eight-day clocks, and various other articles of domestic furniture (wonderfully made, in tin, at Wolverhampton), perched among the boughs, as if in preparation for some fairy housekeeping; there were jolly, broad-faced little men, much more agreeable in appearance than many real men—and no wonder, for their heads took off, and showed them to be full of sugar-plums; there were fiddles and drums; there were tambourines, books, work-boxes, paint-boxes, sweetmeat-boxes, peep-show boxes, and all kinds of boxes; there were trinkets for the elder girls, far brighter than any grown-up gold and jewels; there were baskets and pincushions in all devices; there were guns, swords, and banners; there were witches standing in enchanted rings of pasteboard, to tell fortunes; there were teetotums, humming-tops, needle-cases, pen-wipers, smelling-bottles, conversation-cards, bouquet-holders; real fruit, made artificially dazzling with gold leaf; imitation apples, pears, and walnuts, crammed with surprises; in short, as a pretty child, before me, delightedly whispered to another pretty child, her bosom friend, “There was everything, and more.”  This motley collection of odd objects, clustering on the tree like magic fruit, and flashing back the bright looks directed towards it from every side—some of the diamond-eyes admiring it were hardly on a level with the table, and a few were languishing in timid wonder on the bosoms of pretty mothers, aunts, and nurses—made a lively realisation of the fancies of childhood; and set me thinking how all the trees that grow and all the things that come into existence on the earth, have their wild adornments at that well-remembered time.

London. Chapman and Hall Christmas Stories edition, Volume 1, 1911. 69p.

New Australian Stories

Edited By Aviva Tuffield

Proving that the short story is alive and well in Australia, this eclectic anthology of previously unpublished and uncollected vignettes showcases some of the finest authors from Down Under—from seasoned practitioners to rising and emerging stars of the short story firmament. At once poignant, tender, introspective, and funny, the volume includes a wide variety of genres, from humor and romance to drama and mystery. Capturing whole lives in just a few satisfying pages, this lively compendium is ideal for dipping into and perfect for those seeking inspiration and escape.. This eclectic anthology of new stories showcases some of our finest writers, and proves that the short story is alive and well in Australia.

From seasoned practitioners of the form through to emerging stars of the short-story firmament, New Australian Stories 2 caters for all tastes. There's humour, mystery, drama, and even some delusion and deceit. Ideal for dipping into, and perfect for those seeking inspiration and escape, this collection is designed for your reading pleasure.

Full list of contributors: Debra Adelaide, Claire Aman, Jon Bauer, Melissa Beit, Tegan Bennett Daylight, Tony Birch, Georgia Blain, Patrick Cullen, Sonja Dechian, Brooke Dunnell, Peggy Frew, Julie Gittus, Marion Halligan, Jacinta Halloran, Karen Hitchcock, Anne Jenner, Myfanwy Jones, Lesley Jorgensen, Cate Kennedy, Zane Lovitt, Scott McDermott, Fiona McFarlane, Jane McGown, A.G. McNeil, Susan Midalia, Jennifer Mills, Meg Mundell, Peta Murray, Ruby J. Murray, Mark O'Flynn, Ryan O'Neill, Paddy O'Reilly, Kate Ryan, Emma Schwarcz, Jane Sullivan, Chris Womersley.

Melbourne Scribe. 2009. 339p.