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Complex Cases Pilot Evaluation. A Process Evaluation Exploring The Roll Out of the ‘Complex Cases Pilot’ in The East of England Probation Region  

By Sian Galsworthy

In 2019 Joseph McCann was sentenced to 33 life sentences for committing violent and sexual offences whilst subject to supervision by the National Probation Service (NPS), following his release from prison on license earlier that year. The subsequent Serious Further Offence (SFO) report prompted an independent review from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) which put forward several recommendations for change, to ensure the probation service could safely and effectively protect the public. This report presents the findings from an evaluation of His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) Complex Cases pilot within the East of England Probation Region. Complex Cases have been defined as cases that meet six of eight specified criteria, which deem them complex and challenging for Probation Practitioners (PP) to manage. The pilot process consisted of triaging those cases that met six of the eight pre-determined criteria. If the practitioner required further support with their case following triage, the case was then referred to and heard at a multi-disciplinary panel which consisted primarily of senior members of Probation and Prison staff who could advise on how to best manage the case. The pilot formed part of the commitment to address the recommendation (8) put forward in the Joseph McCann HMIP report which was to: “Ensure probation staff have adequate time to become familiar with complex cases for which they assume responsibility” (HMIP, 2020) This evaluation has explored the views and experiences of those who have participated in the Complex Cases pilot, to identify how its development and subsequent roll out has been perceived so far, and if there is any early/indicative learning which can be identified for future scale-up of the pilot. The pilot commenced in the Summer of 2021, it is still active and expanding across the pilot Probation Region.   The objectives of this evaluation were: 1. To explore what has been successful about the initial roll out of the Complex Cases Pilot 2. To explore which aspects of the Complex Cases Pilot require improvement 3. To explore the effects of the Complex Cases Pilot on Probation Practitioners sense of confidence in managing the complexities of the case and practice/case management

His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service , 2024. 60p.