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Posts tagged family saga


Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel's 38th novel creates a powerful, moving portrayal of families divided, lives shattered, and a nation torn apart by prejudice during a shameful period in recent American history. On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, giving the military the power to remove Japanese-Americans from their communities at will. Silent Honor tells of Masao Takashimaya and his family, as they fight to stay alive amid the drama of life and death in the internment camp at Tule Lake.

Doubleday. Australia. 1996. 342p.

John Halifax, Gentleman

By Mrs. Craik.

The action is centred on the town of Tewkesbury, scarcely disguised by the fictional name Norton Bury, in Gloucestershire. The story is narrated by Phineas, a friend of the central character. John Halifax is an orphan, determined to make his way in the world through honest hard work. He is taken in by a tanner, Abel Fletcher, who is a Quaker, and thus meets Phineas, who is Abel's son. John eventually achieves success in business and love, and becomes a wealthy man. (Wikipedia)

London: Ward, Lock and Co. 1856. 449p.

The Vicar of Wakefield

By Oliver Goldsmith.

“When Dr Primrose loses his fortune in a disastrous investment, his idyllic life in the country is shattered and he is forced to move with his wife and six children to an impoverished living on the estate of Squire Thornhill. Taking to the road in pursuit of his daughter, who has been seduced by the rakish Squire, the beleaguered Primrose becomes embroiled in a series of misadventures–encountering his long-lost son in a travelling theatre company and even spending time in a debtor’s prison. Yet Primrose, though hampered by his unworldliness and pride, is sustained by his unwavering religious faith. In The Vicar of Wakefield, Goldsmith gently mocks many of the literary conventions of his day–from pastoral and romance to the picaresque – infusing his story of a hapless clergyman with warm humour and amiable social satire.”

J.C. Krieger and Company, 1828 300p.