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Posts in politics
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina


By Robert Graves

“The troublesome reign of Tiberius Claudius Caesar, emperor of the Romans (born 10 b.c., died a.d. 54), as described by himself; also his murder at the hands of the notorious agrippin a (mother of the emperor nero) and his subsequent deification, as described by others.”

NY. Vintage Random House. 1962. 584p.

The Agony and the Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo


By Irving Stone

FROM THE COVER: “Set in the days of the deadly Borgias, the warring popes and the mighty Medicis, this is the truly great novel of Michelangelo, his lifelong friendships, his passionate loves and his unquenchable genius. ….

"Irving Stone has painted the portrait of a supreme craftsman, one of the most versatile artists of all time, and he has also laid before us a cyclorama of one of the world's most astounding ages." New York Times

NY. Fontana books. 1970. 786p.

Jefferson: A Novel


By Max Byrd

FROM THE COVER: “It is 1784, and Jefferson, the newly appointed American ambassador to the court of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, has just arrived in Paris-a city adrift in intrigue, upheaval, and temptation that will challenge his principles, incite his passions, and change Thomas Jefferson forever.... Through the eyes of his impressionable young secretary, William Short, we watch as the future president builds his dream of an America with fellow patriots John Adams and Ben Franklin, and as he struggles between political ambition and an unexpected crisis of the heart with a woman who has the power to destroy him. And we discover-behind the face the complex Virginian shows the world -an enigmatic statesman who fights for individual liberty even as he keeps slaves, who champions free will even as he denies it to his daughters, and who holds men to the highest standards of honor-even as he embarks on a shadowy double life of his own.”

"A Novel To Be Admired And Enjoyed,The Best Fictionalized Life Of Jefferson Yet!' -Jack McLaughlin,

NY. Bantam. 1994. 470p.

Wolf Hall: A Novel


By Hilary Mantel


“So now get up."

Felled, dazed, silent, he has fallen; knocked full length on the cobbles of the yard. His head turns sideways; his eyes are turned toward the gate, as if someone might arrive to help him out. One blow, properly placed, could i kill him now. Blood from the gash on his head--which was his father's first effort is trickling across his face. Add to this, his left eye is blinded; but if he squints sideways, with his right eye he can see that the stitching of his father's boot is unraveling. The twine has sprung clear of the leather, and a hard knot in it has caught his eyebrow and opened another cut.”

NY. Henry Holt and Company. 2009. 548p.


By Robert Harris

From the cover: “Ancient Rome - ‘a city of glory built on a river of filth teems with ambitious and ruthless men. None is more  brilliant than Marcus Cicero. A rising young lawyer, backed by a shrewd wife, he decides to gamble everything on one of the most dramatic courtroom battles of all time. Win it, and he could win control of Rome itself. Lose it, and he is finished forever. Internationally acclaimed for its storytelling power and historical accuracy, Robert Harris’s new novel is an epic account of the timeless struggle for power and the sudden disintegration of society.”

London.. Random House. 2006. 495p.

History Of Florence And Of The Affairs Of Italy

By Niccolo Machiavelli

From Chapter 1: The people who inhabit the northern parts beyond the Rhine and the Danube, living in a healthy and prolific region, frequently increase to such vast multitudes, that part of them are compelled to abandon their native soil, and seek a habitation in other countries. The method adopted, when one of these provinces had to be relieved of its superabundant population, was to divide into three parts, each containing an equal number of nobles and of people, of rich and of poor. The third upon whom the lot fell, then went in search of new abodes, leaving the remaining two-thirds in possession of their native country. These migrating masses destroyed the Roman empire by the facilities for settlement which the country offered when the emperors abandoned Rome, the ancient seat of their dominion, and fixed their residence at Constantinople…..

London. M. Walter Dunne. 1901.

The Ball And The Cross

By G.K. Chesterton.

When two men decide to fight for their respective beliefs, they discover to their astonishment that an unbelieving world won’t let them, and they find themselves partners and fugitives from the law in this steampunk satire. Penned by G.K. Chesterton in 1909, this whimsical and biting novel eerily foreshadows a world in which “tolerance” is the only god and all those who believe ideas are worth dying for are forced to stand together to defend freedom of speech and belief.

New York: J. Lane, 1909. 436p.

Hard Times

By Charles Dickens.

This is Dickens’ tenth novel, published without illustrations, in Household Word, his weekly journal. Dickens continues to fly the banner of social reform, touching on themes of industrialization, education, and utilitarianism in the sweeping Industrial Revolution of the 1850's.

NY. Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1854) 302 pages.