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Posts in war
China at War: An Encyclopedia

Edited by Xiaobing Li

Historical Scope: The encyclopedia covers 4,500 years of Chinese military history, from ancient times to modern-day conflicts.

Major Conflicts: It includes detailed entries on significant wars and battles, such as the Chinese Civil War, the Korean War, and the Anti-Japanese War.

Military Figures: Prominent military leaders and strategists like Mao Zedong, Sunzi, and Genghis Khan are featured.

Strategic Concepts: The document explores Chinese military strategies, including the emphasis on secrecy, surprise, and deception in warfare.

Bloomsbury Academic, Jan 10, 2012, 605 pages

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay



A “towering, swash-buckling thrill of a book” (Newsweek), hailed as Chabon’s “magnum opus” (The New York Review of Books), The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay is a triumph of originality, imagination, and storytelling, an exuberant, irresistible novel that begins in New York City in 1939.

A young escape artist and budding magician named Joe Kavalier arrives on the doorstep of his cousin, Sammy Clay. While the long shadow of Hitler falls across Europe, America is happily in thrall to the Golden Age of comic books, and in a distant corner of Brooklyn, Sammy is looking for a way to cash in on the craze. He finds the ideal partner in the aloof, artistically gifted Joe, and together they embark on an adventure that takes them deep into the heart of Manhattan, and the heart of old-fashioned American ambition. From the shared fears, dreams, and desires of two teenage boys, they spin comic book tales of the heroic, fascist-fighting Escapist and the beautiful, mysterious Luna Moth, otherworldly mistress of the night. Climbing from the streets of Brooklyn to the top of the Empire State Building, Joe and Sammy carve out lives, and careers, as vivid as cyan and magenta ink.
Spanning continents and eras, this superb book by one of America’s finest writers remains one of the defining novels of our modern American age.

4th ESTATE • London. Harper Collins.. 2010. 634p.

The Gun


By C. S. Forester

From chapter 1: “A DEFEATED ARMY was falling back through the mountains from Espinosa. Such was its condition that an ignorant observer would find it easier to guess that it had, been defeated than that it had been an army. The twenty thousand men of whom it was composed were strung out along twenty miles of road; its sick and its dead littered the edges of the road for a hundred miles to the rear. At the head came such of the cavalry as were fortunate enough still to have horses to ride; they felt safer there than in their proper place covering the retreat. Next came the infantry, in groups, in herds, or in ones and twos.”

London. MICHAEL JOSEPH. ND. 207p.

Spitfire Parade


By Captain W. E. Johns

FROPM THE COVER: “While the Battle of Britain is still at its height Squadron Leader Bigglesworth, D.S.O., D.F.C., is appointed to Number 666 Fighter Squadron. He soon finds that his new Com- mand is likely to be something of a handful, for the Squadron has been formed for the special purpose of accommodating a collection of bril- liant but unstable types whose capacities as fighter pilots are in inverse ratio to their amenity to discipline and the normal routine of a station.”

Oxford University Press. 1951. 252p.

Biggles in the Jungle

By Captain W. E. Johns

FROM THE COVER: Wherever there is trouble brewing in this much-troubled world it is safe to predict that Biggles and his companions will sooner or later be on the spot. In this story they ar- rive, quite casually, in the capitalof British Honduras, to find Car- ruthers, the resident magistrate, in a very perturbed state on account of the activities of a so-called King of the Forest--a man who has established himself somewhere in the interior and is stirring up strife among the Indians; he is suspected, moreover, of collecting chickle-an important product of the colony-and smuggling it over the border and into the United States.

Melbourne. Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press. 1951. 196p. USED BOOK. CONTAINS MARK-UP.

Biggles Foreign Legionnaire

By Cape. W. E. Johns

Another in the Biggles series glorifying war and vilifying enemies. . “In which Air Detective-Inspector Bigglesworth takes leave from the Special Air Section Scotland Yard to join the Foreign Legion, and has an adventure involving an old friend, an even older enemy and a near fatal trip to the desolate Valley of the Tartars in Kurdistan.”

London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1954. 198p. USED BOOOK

The Bull Patrol

By Arthur Catherall

Classic how-to book for Boy Scouts conveying all the skills needed for leadership, survival and success in war. Inspired, of course, by the writings of Baden Powell who cut his war teething the Boer war. FROM THE COVER: “ They were an odd gang, Af,l Joe, Dick, and Gyp; but once they got the idea of Scouting they were the staunchest friends that anyone could ask for. Their Patrol Leader set a high standard of courage and endurance, and the others one by one played a loyal part in the many daring rescues and thrilling episodes that were to follow- adventures which will be the envy of every Scout.

London. Butterworth Press. 1949. 120p. USED BOOK

The Rescue Flight: A Biggles Story

By Captain W. E. Johns. Illustrated By Alfred Sindall

A boys’ book from the classic series heralding World War 2, and highlighting the excitement and attractiveness of war..

FROM CHAPTER 1: “ PETER FORTYMORE RECEIVES BAD NEWS. THERE was a pensive, almost wistful, expression on the face of the Honourable Peter Fortymore as, with his chin cupped in his hands, he sat at his study window and stared out across the deserted, moonlit playing-fields of Rundell School, where for five years he had been a pupil. The door be- hind him opened, but he did not turn, for he knew from the heavy, deliberate footsteps that the new- comer washis friend and room-mate, Dick Ripley, known throughout the upper school as Rip…”

London. Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press. 1950. 245p

Biggles Cuts it Fine

By Captain W. E. Johns

The classic boys’ books trumpeting the attraction and excitement of war, especially World War 2.

FROM CHAPTER 1: ““Air-Commodore Raymond, Chief of the Air Section of Scotland Yard, greeted his operational staff from behind a paper-littered desk, as, in obedience to his invitation, they filed into his office.

" Pull up some chairs," he requested. "This is only in the nature of a conference, and, strangely enough, for once there's nothing urgent about it. Help yourselves to cigarettes-we may be some time." He pushed the box forward.

London. Holder and Stoughton. 1954. 162p. USED BOOK


By John Updike

"Terrorist" is a novel by John Updike, published in 2006. The book tells the story of a young Muslim-American named Ahmad Ashmawy Mulloy, who becomes radicalized and plots a terrorist attack in the United States.

The novel explores themes of religion, identity, and extremism, and provides a nuanced portrayal of the motivations and beliefs that drive individuals to engage in acts of terrorism.

"Terrorist" received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising Updike's exploration of complex themes and his ability to create nuanced and sympathetic characters, while others criticized the book for being overly didactic and preachy.

NY. Alfred A. Knopf. 2006. 318p.