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On Dangerous Ground

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By Jack Higgins

FROM THE COVER: “……London 1993, and the day looms ever closer when Communist China will finally seize the much coveted island of Hong Kong, with billions at stake. British Intelligence have just discovered the existence of a document, known as the Chungking Covenant, that would extend the lease on Hong Kong for another century. Sean Dillon, once a feared IRA enforcer now working for the British, is tasked to track down the document before Mafia-based interests with billions invested in Hong Kong can use it for their own ends. Pitted against sly and ruthless adversaries, Dillon and his intelligence associates follow a deadly trail to a castle in the Highlands of Scotland, by Loch Dhu, the Place of Dark Waters, the home of an American billionaire and Matia boss. Dillon's usual clear-headed commitment to his mission is compromised by the alluring young socialite Asta Morgan. However, as the evidence of fifty years begins to unfold, the solution to the enigma comes tantalisingly close. But only one side can reap the spoils…”

Australia. Griffin. BCA. Michael Josephs. 1994. 286p.

Berlin Game


By Len Deighton

FROM THE COVER: Bernard Samson had been behind a desk in Whitehall for five years when his bosses decided that he was the right man to slip into East Berlin and talk Brahms Four out of doing something disastrous. Berlin was the city he grew up in, the place he still loved like a mistress, and some of the members of the Berlin Network were men he'd known since they were streetwise Berlin schoolboys. But Samson knew there were few people he could trust, either in Berlin or at home. Too many missions had gone wrong; too many secrets had leaked. Somewhere somewhere nearer to the heart of things than he'd like to believe - there was the stink of betrayal.

As the shadows of treachery lengthen around him….

London. Hutchinson. 1983. 313p.

Following The Wake


By Gemma O'Connor

In "Following The Wake," author delves into the complexities of grief and loss in a heartfelt exploration of one woman's journey to find meaning and solace after a tragic accident. The novel weaves together themes of love, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit as the protagonist navigates through her sorrow. With lyrical prose and poignant insight, "Following The Wake" is a moving tale that will resonate with readers who have experienced loss and are searching for hope in the face of adversity.

NY. Jove books. 2004. 280p.

False Memory


By Dean Koontz

FROM THE COVER: Martie Rhodes, a happily married, successful video games designer, takes an agoraphobic friend to therapy sessions twice a week. Each trip is a grim ordeal, but the experience has brought the two friends even closer together. Then, one morning, Martie experiences a brief, irrational but disquieting fear of... her shadow. When autophobia - one of the rarest and most intriguing phobias known to psychology - is diagnosed, suddenly, radically her life changes, and the future looks dark. Martie's husband, Dusty, loves her profoundly, and is desperate to understand the cause of her autophobia. But as he comes closer to the terrible truth, Dusty himsell starts showing signs of a psychological disorder even more frightening than that afflicting Martie...FALSE MEMORY is the breathtaking new thriller from the internationally bestselling author of SEIZE THE NIGHT and FEAR NOTHING.

London. Headline Book Publishing. 1999. 827p.

The Dry


FROM THE PREFACE: ” It wasn’t as though the farm hadn’t seen death before, and the blowflies didn’t discriminate. To them there was little difference between a carcass and a corpse.

The drought had left the flies spoiled for choice that summer. They sought out unblinking eyes and sticky wounds as the farmers of Kiewarra levelled their rifles at skinny livestock. No rain meant no feed. And no feed made for difficult decisions, as the tiny town shimmered under day after day of burning blue sky…”

Sydney. Pan Macmillan. 2016. 347p.




Sam is a Dreamer. One of the 13, whose dreams - and nightmares - can become real. These individuals will not only save the world, but change it forever. They are our last hope in the battle against evil. They just don't know it yet.

Sam is the first of the 13 to be uncovered. He begins his desperate mission in Vancouver, and sets off across the globe to find the other twelve Dreamers and locate the scattered artifacts needed to save the world from the ultimate evil. But will they be strong enough to outmaneuver an army of trained agents, thwart security officials at museums, libraries, government facilities, and archaeological sites, and face the terrifying figure that haunts their dreams?

The adventure continues online at, where additional content extends the storyline of each book.

Melbourne. Scholastic. 2013. 214p.



By Patricia Cornwell

Forensic pathologist Dr. Kay Scarpetta has come almost full circle, returning to Virginia, the state where she launched her storied career, as the chief medical examiner. Finding herself the new girl in town once again after being away for many years, she's inherited both an overbearing secretary and a legacy of neglect and potential corruption.

She and her husband, Benton Wesley, now a forensic psychologist with the U.S. Secret Service, have relocated to Old Town Alexandria, where she's headquartered five miles from the Pentagon in a post-pandemic world that's been torn apart by civil and political unrest. After just weeks on the job, she's called to a scene by railroad tracks--a woman's body has been shockingly displayed, her throat cut down to the spine--and as Scarpetta begins to follow the trail, it leads unnervingly close to her own historic neighborhood.

At the same time, a catastrophe occurs in a top secret labo-ratory in outer space, endangering at least two scientists aboard. Appointed to the highly classified Doomsday Commission that specializes in sensitive national security cases, Scarpetta is summoned to the White House and tasked with finding out exactly what happened. But even as she remotely works the first potential crime scene in space, an apparent serial killer strikes again very close to home.

This latest novel in the groundbreaking Kay Scarpetta series captivates readers with the shocking twists, high-wire tension, and forensic detail that Patricia Cornwell is famous for, proving once again why she's the world's #1 bestselling crime writer.

NY. Harper Collins. 2021. 413p



By Michael Crichton

A brutal struggle in the cutthroat computer industry; a shattering game of cat and mouse; an accusation of sexual harassment that threatens to derail a brilliant career ... this is the electrifying core of Michael Chrichton's new novel, his first since Rising Sun. At the center: Tom Sanders, an up-and-coming executive with DigiCom in Seattle, a man whose corporate future is certain. Until: after a closed-door meeting with his new boss - a woman who was his lover ten years before, a woman who has been promoted to the position he expected to have - he is accused of sexually harassing her. Now, as he scrambles to defend himself (enlisting the help of a sagacious woman lawyer whose career has been built on the successful prosecution of men charged with sexual misconduct), he finds himself trapped between what he knows to be true and what he knows others will assume to be the truth. And, as he uncovers an electronic trail into the company's secrets, he begins to grasp just how cynical and manipulative an abuse of truth has actually occurred ... Tackling one of the most divisive issues of our time, Disclosure compels us to see beyond our traditional responses. It is Michael Chrichton at his galvanizing best.

A.A. Knopf, 1994, 397 pages



By Chris Bradford

In a dangerous world, everyone needs protection.

Bodyguard: Hostage is the new thriller from Chris Bradford, bestselling author of Young Samurai. Bodyguard is a bulletproof action-adventure series that fans of Cherub and Alex Rider will love. This is Lee Child for younger readers - a teenage Jason Bourne for the next generation.

With the rise of teen stars, the intense media focus onceleb families and a new wave of billionaires, adults are no longer the only target for hostage-taking, blackmail and assassination - kids are too.

That's why they need a young bodyguard like Connor Reeves to protect them.

Recruited into the ranks of a covert young bodyguard squad, 14-year-old Connor Reeves embarks on a rigorous close protection course. Training in surveillance, anti-ambush exercises, hostage survival and unarmed combat, he's put through his paces and wonders if he will actually survive the course.

But when the US President summons Connor to protect his impulsive teenage daughter, Connor's training is put to the ultimate test. For Connor discovers that the First Daughter, Alicia, doesn't want to be guarded. She just wants to have fun. And with no clue Connor is her bodyguard, Alicia tries to elude her Secret Service agents and lead Connor astray. But unknown to her, a terrorist sleeper cell has been activated.

Its mission: to take the president's daughter HOSTAGE...

Penguin UK, May 2, 2013, 432 pages

Midnight Express


By Billy Hayes with William Hoffer

FROM CHAPTER 1: “Some twelve miles west of Istanbul, beyond the outskirts of the city in the flat farm country near the coast, is Yesilkoy International Airport. Every day at noon Pan American Flight No. 1 arrives from Teheran. It sorts out its incoming and outgoing passengers, then takes off again at one to continue its journey to Frankfort, London, and New York. On October 6, 1970, feeling like an Ian Fleming character, with dark aviator sunglasses over my eyes and my trenchcoat collar pulled up to my ears, I watched Flight No. 1, a Boeing 707, land on the concrete runway. I pulled the brim of my lucky hat low over my eyes and eased up against the wall near the passenger check-in counter. A short pudgy man in his mid-thirties pushed past me…..”

NY. E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1977. 285p.

Spitfire Parade


By Captain W. E. Johns

FROPM THE COVER: “While the Battle of Britain is still at its height Squadron Leader Bigglesworth, D.S.O., D.F.C., is appointed to Number 666 Fighter Squadron. He soon finds that his new Com- mand is likely to be something of a handful, for the Squadron has been formed for the special purpose of accommodating a collection of bril- liant but unstable types whose capacities as fighter pilots are in inverse ratio to their amenity to discipline and the normal routine of a station.”

Oxford University Press. 1951. 252p.

Biggles in the Jungle

By Captain W. E. Johns

FROM THE COVER: Wherever there is trouble brewing in this much-troubled world it is safe to predict that Biggles and his companions will sooner or later be on the spot. In this story they ar- rive, quite casually, in the capitalof British Honduras, to find Car- ruthers, the resident magistrate, in a very perturbed state on account of the activities of a so-called King of the Forest--a man who has established himself somewhere in the interior and is stirring up strife among the Indians; he is suspected, moreover, of collecting chickle-an important product of the colony-and smuggling it over the border and into the United States.

Melbourne. Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press. 1951. 196p. USED BOOK. CONTAINS MARK-UP.

Biggles Goes To War

By Captain W. E. Johns

From Chapter 2: “….taking photographs of our defences”

A frown creased Biggles's forehead. 'But that's a scandalous state ofaffairs,' he declared indignantly. 'Do you mean to say that you allow the air force of another power to fly over your country without permission?'

A sad smile crossed the old man's face. He raised his hands, palms outwards. 'Alow? Do you think that we should allow them to do that i f we could stop them? Now perhaps you understand why I've come to you.'

Melbourne. Oxford University Press. 1950. 257p. USED BOOK

Biggles Foreign Legionnaire

By Cape. W. E. Johns

Another in the Biggles series glorifying war and vilifying enemies. . “In which Air Detective-Inspector Bigglesworth takes leave from the Special Air Section Scotland Yard to join the Foreign Legion, and has an adventure involving an old friend, an even older enemy and a near fatal trip to the desolate Valley of the Tartars in Kurdistan.”

London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1954. 198p. USED BOOOK

John Wentley Wins Through

By J. F. C. Westerman

FROM THE COVER: When JohnWentleyunder- took to fly a British Secret Service agent to a forbidden part he little imagined what would result from his escapade. How he foiled an attempt by a dangerous and un- scrupulous enemy to steal the plans of his recently invented aero engine, took part in two thrilling aerial ducls, and fought against terrific odds to regain the safety of the Swiss border--with secrets in his possession on which de-pended the very existence of the British Empireis excitingly told by one of the foremost writers of boys' adventure stories.

London. The Children's Press. 1930s. 211p. USED BOOK

The Bull Patrol

By Arthur Catherall

Classic how-to book for Boy Scouts conveying all the skills needed for leadership, survival and success in war. Inspired, of course, by the writings of Baden Powell who cut his war teething the Boer war. FROM THE COVER: “ They were an odd gang, Af,l Joe, Dick, and Gyp; but once they got the idea of Scouting they were the staunchest friends that anyone could ask for. Their Patrol Leader set a high standard of courage and endurance, and the others one by one played a loyal part in the many daring rescues and thrilling episodes that were to follow- adventures which will be the envy of every Scout.

London. Butterworth Press. 1949. 120p. USED BOOK

The Rescue Flight: A Biggles Story

By Captain W. E. Johns. Illustrated By Alfred Sindall

A boys’ book from the classic series heralding World War 2, and highlighting the excitement and attractiveness of war..

FROM CHAPTER 1: “ PETER FORTYMORE RECEIVES BAD NEWS. THERE was a pensive, almost wistful, expression on the face of the Honourable Peter Fortymore as, with his chin cupped in his hands, he sat at his study window and stared out across the deserted, moonlit playing-fields of Rundell School, where for five years he had been a pupil. The door be- hind him opened, but he did not turn, for he knew from the heavy, deliberate footsteps that the new- comer washis friend and room-mate, Dick Ripley, known throughout the upper school as Rip…”

London. Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press. 1950. 245p

The Turn of the Screw

By Henry James

From Wikipedia: The Turn of the Screw is an 1898 horror novella by Henry James which first appeared in serial format in Collier's Weekly (January 27 – April 16, 1898). In October 1898, it was collected in The Two Magics, published by Macmillan in New York City and Heinemannin London. The novella follows a governess who, caring for two children at a remote estate, becomes convinced that the grounds are haunted. The Turn of the Screw is considered a work of both Gothic and horror fiction.

In the century following its publication, critical analysis of the novella underwent several major transformations. Initial reviews regarded it only as a frightening ghost story, but, in the 1930s, some critics suggested that the supernatural elements were figments of the governess' imagination. In the early 1970s, the influence of structuralism resulted in an acknowledgement that the text's ambiguity was its key feature. Later approaches incorporated Marxist and feminist thinking.

  • On Christmas Eve, an unnamed narrator and some of his friends are gathered around a fire. One of them, Douglas, reads a manuscript written by his sister's late governess. The manuscript tells the story of her being hired by a man who has become responsible for his young niece and nephew following the deaths of their parents. He lives mainly in London and has a country house in Bly, Essex. The boy, Miles, is attending a boarding school, while his younger sister, Flora, is living in Bly, where she is cared for by Mrs. Grose, the housekeeper. Flora's uncle, the governess's new employer, is uninterested in raising the children and gives her full charge, explicitly stating that she is not to bother him with communications of any sort. The governess travels to Bly and begins her duties…………

NY.London. Collier Macmillan. 1898. 118p.

The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit

By Charles Dickens

From Wikipedia: “Like nearly all of Dickens's novels, Martin Chuzzlewit was first published in monthly instalments. Early sales of the monthly parts were lower than those of previous works, so Dickens changed the plot to send the title character to the United States.[3] Dickens had visited America in 1842 in part as a failed attempt to get the US publishers to honour international copyright laws. He satirized the country as a place filled with self-promoting hucksters, eager to sell land sight unseen. In later editions, and in his second visit 24 years later to a much-changed US, he made clear it was satire and not a balanced image of the nation in a speech and then included that speech in all future editions. The main theme of the novel, according to Dickens's preface, is selfishness, portrayed in a satirical fashion using all the members of the Chuzzlewit family. The novel is also notable for two of Dickens's great villains, Seth Pecksniff and Jonas Chuzzlewit. Dickens introduced the first private detective character in this novel.”

My Cousin Rachel

By Daphne Du Maurier

"My Cousin Rachel" is a novel written by Daphne du Maurier, a British author known for her Gothic and romantic suspense novels. The novel was first published in 1951 and is set in 19th-century Cornwall, England.

The story follows the character of Philip Ashley, a young man who is raised by his cousin Ambrose on their estate in Cornwall. When Ambrose travels to Italy for his health and falls in love with their distant cousin Rachel, Philip is initially suspicious of her motives. After Ambrose's sudden death, Philip inherits his estate and becomes increasingly obsessed with Rachel, who comes to visit him in Cornwall.

The novel is a blend of mystery, romance, and psychological drama, as Philip tries to uncover the truth about Rachel's involvement in Ambrose's death and struggles with his conflicting feelings for her.

London. Gollancz. 1951. 221p.