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Posts in religion
Young Man Luther: A Study in Psychoanalysis and History


By Erik H. Erikson

FROM THE PREFACE: “This study of Martin Luther as a young man was planned as a chapter in a book on emotional crises in late adolescence and early adulthood, But Luther proved too bulky a man to be merely a chapter. His young manhood is one of the most radical on record: whatever he became part of, whatever became part of him, was eventually destroyed or rejuvenated. The clinical chapter became a historical book. But since clinical work is integral to its orientation, I will, in this preface, enlarge briefly on my colleagues and my patients, and our common foci of preoccupation…”

NY. W.W-Norton & Company. 1962. 289p.

Joan Of Arc


By Mary Gordon

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “…March 14, 1999. The city of Rouen, the province of Normandy, the country of France, the continent of Europe. It is 5 p.M. on an unseasonably warm spring day. People have flung their jackets over their shoulders. They are sitting outside in cafés, reckless from the sunlight, which seems miraculous, unearned, suggestive of improvidence. We are in the marketplace, the place where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. An attempt has been made to make this a viable city center; there is an open space for a market and, next to it, a cathedral. It is one of those good ideas that didn't work; it might have worked had there been a genius to design it, but it was not designed by a genius. The church is in the shape of an overturned boat, and the motif is meant to be nautical: Rouen is a seafaring city. But the idea fails; it provides us only with the always dispiriting spectacle of over- strained originality. The church has the sad, earnest quality of mediocre modern architecture, and we are left with a sense of betrayal, because we think that plainmaterials and an abundance of light ought to equal beauty, and when they don't, not only art, but nature as well, has let us down…”

London. Orion Books. Phoenix. 2000. 187p.

Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther


By Roland H. Bainton

FROM THE COVER: “Accused of heresy, threatened with excommunication and death, Martin Luther spoke these fateful words as he took his unyielding position against the abuses of the medieval church. Here is an outstanding modern contribution to religious literature--a vivid portrait of the man who, because of his unshakable faith in his God, helped to bring about the Protestant Reformation.”

NY. Bantam. 1950. 338p.

Champlain's Dream


By David Hackett Fischer.

From the jacket: “In this sweeping, enthralling biography, acclaimed historian David Hackett Fischer brings to life the remarkable Samuel de Champlain-soldier, spy, master mariner, explorer, cartographer, artist, and Father ofNew France. Born on France's Atlantic coast, Champlain grew to manhood in a country riven by religious warfare. The historical record is unclear on whether Champlain was baptized Protestant or Catholic, but he fought in France's religious wars for the man who would become Henri IV, one of France's greatest kings, and like Henri, he was religiously tolerant in an age of murderous sectarianism. Champlain was also a brilliant navigator. He went to sea as a boy and over time acquired the skills that allowed him to make twenty-seven Atlantic crossings without losing a ship. But we remember Champlain mainly as a great explorer. On foot and by ship and canoe, he traveled through what are now six Canadian provinces and five American states. …”

NY. Simon and Schuster. 2008. 857p.

The Perfect King: The Life of Edward III Father of the English Nation

By Ian Mortimer

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “On 19 October 1330, at dusk, two dozen men gathered in the centre of Nottingham. They were mostly in their twenties, and all on horsback, ready to ride out of the town. But unlike merchants or pilgrims assem- bling to set out together, these men were silent and unsmiling. Beneath their riding cloaks they were all heavily armed. The reason for their gathering lay within the fortress which overlooked the town. Somewhere within those walls, high on the massive outcrop, was Roger Mortimer, the earl of March, who kept the young king, Edward III, within his power and ruled in his place.”

London. Published by Jonathan Cape. 2006. 571p. USED BOOK. MAY CONTAIN MARK-UP

Charles Darwin: A New Life

By John Bowlby

From the Preface: I first became interested in Charles Darwin as a personality, and as a scientist and invalid, thirty years ago when I read the new and complete version of his Autohiography, edited by hisgranddaughter, Nora Barlow. In it, amongst much else, he makes brief reference to the chronic ill-health from which he suffered over many years and the nature of which, I knew, hadfor long been a subject of controversy, the major issue being whether his symptoms were caused by an organic illness or were of emotional origin. At the time, I was working on the psychological il-effects that are apt to follow a childhood bereavement and so, when I learned that Darwin's mother had died when he was eight years old, I began to wonder whether that might have played some part in the genesis ofhis troubles. Alittle later, when the medical controversy erupted again, I made a brief contribution raising the issue. Having many other commitments at the time,I was unable to pursue the idea further, though Thoped it might one day be possible…”

NY. W. W. Norton. 1990. 511p. CONTAINS MARK-UP