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Posts in psychoanalysis
Young Man Luther: A Study in Psychoanalysis and History


By Erik H. Erikson

FROM THE PREFACE: “This study of Martin Luther as a young man was planned as a chapter in a book on emotional crises in late adolescence and early adulthood, But Luther proved too bulky a man to be merely a chapter. His young manhood is one of the most radical on record: whatever he became part of, whatever became part of him, was eventually destroyed or rejuvenated. The clinical chapter became a historical book. But since clinical work is integral to its orientation, I will, in this preface, enlarge briefly on my colleagues and my patients, and our common foci of preoccupation…”

NY. W.W-Norton & Company. 1962. 289p.

Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography

By Ilse Ollendorff Reich

"Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography" was actually written by Ilse Ollendorff Reich, the wife of Wilhelm Reich. The book was published posthumously in 1969, a year after Wilhelm Reich's death.

The biography provides a personal and intimate perspective on Reich's life, as it was written by someone who knew him intimately. Ilse Ollendorff Reich was herself a psychoanalyst and a close collaborator of her husband, and her biography provides insights into Reich's theories and ideas as well as his personal life.

The book covers Reich's childhood, his education and training in medicine and psychology, his work with Sigmund Freud and his eventual break with the psychoanalytic community, his research on orgone energy and his later years in the United States, where he faced opposition from government authorities and eventually died in prison.

Ilse Ollendorff Reich's biography is notable for its compassionate and empathetic portrayal of her husband, as well as its frank and honest evaluation of his ideas and theories. She also provides valuable insights into the social and political context in which Reich developed his theories, and the challenges that he faced in trying to pursue his research.

NY. Avon Books. 1989. 219p.

Gandhi’s Truth On The Origins Of Militant Nonviolence

By Erik H. Erikson

From the cover: Many of the methods of civil disobedience so widely and so sporadically used today have their origin in Mahatma Gandhi’s militant nonviolence. In order to eluci­date the nature of what Gandhi called his Truth in Action, Erikson sets out to retell in great detail a relatively little-known event in Gandhi’s middle years, namely, his assumption of leadership in a strike of textile workers in the city of Ahmedabad in 1918. Erikson explains Gandhi’s method of concentrating on local grievances of high symbolic value as a way of mobi­lizing the Indian masses both spiritually and politically — a method that distin­guished Gandhi from the charismatic fig­ures (Lenin, Wilson) of the post-World War I period…..Erikson counterpoints Freud’s insights into the nature of sexuality (and Gandhi’s disavowal of it) and Gandhi’s insights into the nature of armed violence (and Freud’s fatalism regarding it) and con­cludes that only a combination of these insights might give man some measure of mastery over his fatal alternation of re­pression and excess.

NY. W. W. Norton. 1969. 465p.