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Posts in true crime
Barnaby Rudge

By Charles Dickens

From the Preface: “The late Mr Waterton having, some time ago, expressed his opinion that ravens are gradually becoming extinct in England, I offered the few following words about my experience of these birds. The raven in this story is a compound of two great originals, of whom I was, at different times, the proud possessor. The first was in the bloom of his youth, when he was discovered in a modest retirement in London, by a friend of mine, and given to me. He had from the first, as Sir Hugh Evans says of Anne Page, ‘good gifts’, which he improved by study and attention in a most exemplary manner. He slept in a stable—generally on horseback —and so terrified a Newfoundland dog by his preternatural sagacity, that he has been known, by the mere superiority of his genius, to walk off unmolested with the dog’s dinner, from before his face…”

London Chapmwn Hall. 1870. 770p

The Thief's Journal

From the Cover: In this, his most famous book, Genet charts his progress through Europe and the 1930s in rags, hunger, contempt, fatigue and vice. Spain, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Nazi Germany, Belgium . . . everywhere the pattern is the same: bars, dives, flop-houses; robbery, prison and expulsion. This is a voyage of discovery beyond all moral laws; the expression of a philosophy of perverted vice, the working out of an aesthetic of degradation. The cover shows 'Head on Stand' (1947)b y Alberto Giacometti, in the Maeght Collection.

London. Penguin Classics. 1950s? THIS BOOK CONTAINS MARK-UP