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Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.

Posts in justice
Suicide and Scandinavia

By Herbert Hendin

This is a study of national character as well as an investigation of the Scandinavian suicide phenomenon. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway have all been described as "social welfare states" and they are related historically as well as geographically. Yet the suicide rates in Denmark and Sweden are among the world's highest and are almost three times the strikingly low suicide rate inNorway. Seeking to understand this phenomenon, D.r Herbert Hendin of the Columbia University Psychoanalytic Clinic undertook a four-year study of suicide ni the Scandinavian countries. Using psychoanalytic techniques, he interviewed suicidal and non-suicidal patients as well as non-patients. He correlates the picture of the Norwegian, Swede, and Dane that emerges from Suicide and Scandinavia with the literature and folk tales of each country and also with such sources of popular culture as cartoons and stories in women's magazines.

NY. Anchor. 1954; 194p. USED BOOK. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Preparing Convicts for Law-Abiding Lives: The Pioneering Penology of Richard A. McGee

By Daniel Glaser

FROM THE FORWARD: How should this change? Answers to these questions are offered here in describing and assessing the career of Richard A. McGee (1897-1983), who was one of themost successful promoters of ways to control crime, yet always dissatisfied with what he achieved. McGee's work in corrections began in 1931 as director of education in a federal prison. From 1935 to 1941 he supervised New York City penal facilities, then headed the Department of Public Institutions for the state of Washington, and from 1944 until his retirement in 1967, he directed California's state correctional programs. Throughout his years in justice agencies, and in retirement, McGee published extensively, and had numerous national and international offices and honors. This book draws much from his lucid writings.

NY. SUNY Press. 1995. 232p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Violence: Patterns, Causes, Public Policy

By Neil Alan Weiner, Margaret A. Z and Rita J. Sagi

FROM THE PREFACE: W e begin with an introduction that asks the basic question, "What Is Violence?" We invite the reader to review the variety of behavioral vignettes presented there and to reflect upon the definitional elements needed to form a meaningful and useful conception of violence. Part 1 presents an overview of American violence that highlights major trends, both historical and contem- porary. Part 2 explores the major types of interpersonal violent crimes and details their patterns and impacts on the lives of victims. Part 3focuses on collective and political violence and includes narratives of labor and racial strife and discussions of modern terrorism. Part 4 examines the topic of violent behavior within Organizational settings. Part 5 reviews theoretical explanations of interpersonal and collective violence and discusses some important correlates. Part 6 con- cludes with articles on public policy that examine prevention and treatment programs, some of which are controversial.

NY. Harcourt Brace. 1990. 493p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Presentence Investigation Report

By Thomas M. Madden And Luther W. Youngdahl.

FROM THE PREFACE: Diligence and care must be exercised in selecting the right kind of sentence to help a defendant become a law-abiding, self-respecting, responsible person. The presentence investigation report, with which this monograph deals, is an indispensable aid to the court in arriving at a sentence that will serve the best interests of the defendant, his family, and society. Recognized authorities in the judicial and correctional fields recommend that apresentence report be preparedon all offenders, regard- less of the nature of the offense.

Division of Probation Administrative Office Of The United States Courts. Supreme Court Building, Washington, D.C. 1965. 47p.

Youth And Violence

By Marvin E. Wolfgang

From Chapter 2: “Trying to unravel the skein of complexity called youth is itself a diffi- cult task. T o understand the meaning of violence, a most elusive and generic term, is equally challenging. To describe the combined concepts is acompounded problem. Even the best of our efforts to understand or to control the relationship between youth and violence is fraught with speculation. But to this imperfect description we still grope for ways to treat, process, handle, and control the youth who are violent or appear headed for violent behavior. Among the problems involved in this combined analysis is the ab. sence of sufficient and valid kinds of scientific data. Operational defini- tions of youth violence are not clear, rigorous, or precise except in official police and juvenile court statistics, and these are subject to sam- pling bias and other limits ontheir validity.”

Social and Rehabilitation Service, Youth Development and Delinquency Prevention Administration. 1970. 95p.

Law and the Modern Mind

By Jerome Frank

FROM THE COVER: “Law And The Modern Mind appeared in 1930 and, in the words of Judge Charles E. Clark, it "fell like a bomb on the legal world." In the generation since, its influence has grown rather than diminished, until today it isaccepted as aclassic of general jurisprudence. The work is a bold and persuasive attack on the delusion that The Law is a bastion of predic- table and logical action. Judge Frank's controversial thesis is that the decisions made by judge and jury are determined to an enormous extent by powerful, concealed, and highly idiosyncratic psychological prejudices that these arbiters bring to the courtroom. He points out that all legal verdicts result from the application of known legal rules to the facts of the suit-a procedure that sounds utterly methodical and uncapricious. But, Judge Frank argues, because profound, immeasurable biases will strongly influence the judge and jury's reaction to a witness, lawyer, or litigant, we can never know what they will believe "the facts of the suit" to be.”

NY. Doubleday. 1930, 1963. 419p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Dynamics of Aggression INDIVIDUAL, Group, And International Analyses

Edited by Edwin .I Megargee and Jack E. Hokanson

FROM THE PREFACE: Prefaces usually begin by attempting to convince the reader that the topic the book addresses is important or interesting enough for him to invest his time in reading it. Such an approach is unnecessary for this book, because at this point in our history the relevance of research on aggression and its causes si self-evident. Since 1962, the rate of violent crimes per hundred thousand population in the United States, includ- ing murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, has increased 5 percent. As these words are written, the nation is embroiled in a protracted war that has already cost 40,000 American lives and many times that many casualties among the populations of North and South Vietnam; moreover, the national involvement in this war is stimulating additional violence on the domestic scene. While the Vietnamese conflict is a major preoccupation for American citizens, this is only one of several dozen wars that have occurred since the end of World War I. Violence and warfare are the most dramatic and extreme forms of aggression, but the inability of people to resolve their differences amicably is also reflected in the spiralling rate of divorce, strikes, turmoil on our campuses, and in the alienation of many segments of our population from one another.

NY. Harper and Row. 1970. 277p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Improving Police Department Management Through Problem-solving Task Forces

A case study in Organization Development. By Marvin Weisbord, Howard Lamb and Allan Drexler.

From the Preface: “For the past five years, I have practiced what goes loosely by the name of "organization development," or O.D. The term O. D. means all sorts of things to different people. To those who practice it its meanings include a point of view, a set of values, and a kit bag of technolo- gies for helping people in organizations to do better whatever it is they're trying to do. In general, the viewpoint of O.D. consultants is strongly influenced by the behavioral sciences. It is also influenced by what we were doing before they started consulting, what kinds of people we are, and what we know how to do best.

NY. Addison-Wesley (1974) 86 pages. CONTAINS MARK-UP.

Predicting Violent Behavior: An Assessment of Clinical Techniques

By John Monahan

From the Foreword by Salem Shah: “

The prediction of dangerous and violent behavior is a topic that continues to be the subiect of much controversy and discussion in the criminal justice and mental health systems. Decision-makers in both systems are frequently called upon or even required to consider the likelihood that particular individuals will or will not engage in future acts of violence against other persons or against themselves. And, not infrequently, the judg- ments that are made can have serious consequences for the individuals concerned-and also for segments of the community that might be placed at risk.”

Beverley Hills, CA. Sage. 1981. 175p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Trends in the Administration of Justice and Correctional Programs in USA.

Edited By Myra E. Alexander.

From the Introduction: “…Knowing that many participants from other countries have similar interests, it was decided to prepare this document on new and promising measures found in the United States with reference to the last three topics on the 1965 United Nations Congress agenda, namely:

  • Measures to combat recidivism (with particular reference to adverse conditions of detention pending trial and inequality in the Administration of Justice.)

  • Probation (especially adult probation) and other noninstitutional measures.

  • Social preventive and treatment measures for young adults”

Printed as part of the vocational training course in printing at the Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California. Prepared For Third United Nations Congress On The Prevention Of Crime And Treatment Of Offenders. 1965. 81p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Roots of Crime: Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis


By Edward Glover

From the Preface: “When the social historian of the future looks back to the first half of the twentieth century with the detachment that comes with the passage of time, it will by then be apparent that amongst the revolutionary changes to be credited to that period, two at least were of vital importance to the development of humanism: the liberation of psychology from thefetters of aconscious rationalism, and the subsequent emancipation of sociology from the more primitive superstitions and moralistic conceptions of crime. It will also be apparent that this twin movement towards a new liberalism owed its impetus to the researches of a late- Victorian scientist, Sigmund Freud, who first uncovered the unconscious roots ofthat uniquely human reaction which goes by the name of 'guilt' and which is responsible for a brood of moralistic concepts, including those of sin, punishment, expiation and the sacrifice of scapegoats.”

NY. International Universities Press, 1960. 413p.

New Light On Delinquency And Its Treatment

By William Healy, M.D. And Augusta F. Bronner

From the Preface: “The opportunity which the Institute of Human Relations of Yale University offered us forgaining new light on delin- quency its fundamental causes and better treatment- -met a ready response on our part. In spite of the many studies of delinquency already produced, it is certain that various aspects of the subject need much more illumination. In re porting the research conducted for the Institute we above all wish to make clear the fact that we have won for ourselves, and we hope for others, some clearer understandings upon which to base more effective procedures with the juvenile de linquent. With the widening of horizons some exceedingly practical issues have been forced into sharper focus.”


Searchlights On Delinquency

Edited by: K. R. Eissler

From the introduction: “When his educational team was rebuilt after World War II, Aichhorn emerged not only as Vorstand but also as President of the re-established Psychoanalytic Society in Vienna. During the decade in which his own action was submerged and interrupted, his work continued everywhere on a world-wide scale. His book, Wayward Youth has become a kind of gospel and his papers the epistles to everyone whose work with juvenile delinquency was oriented to the psychological theories and methods Aichhorn h a ddevel- oped. Yet his popularity remained restricted to the circles of psychoanalysts and of social workers. Therefore the volume presented here has a twofold aim: first, to give Aichhorn the satisfaction that his work has ripened in science and practice everywhere, secondly, to expand and enhance ever further the popularity of his work. Psychoanalysis has become - whether accepted or debated - one of the main theoretical and practical bases of all professions dealing with human personality. ..”

USA. International Universities Press, Inc. 1949. 441p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Preparing Convicts for Law-Abiding Lives: The Pioneering Penology of Richard A. McGee


By Daniel Glaser

From the Foreword: “How have governments dealt with persons convicted of crimes? How should this change? Answers to these questions are offered here in describing and assessing the career of Richard A. McGee (1897-1983), who was one of the most successful promoters of ways to control crime, yet alwaysdissatisfied with what he achieved. McGee's work in corrections began in 1931 as director of education in a federal prison. From 1935 to 1941 he supervised New York City penal facilities, then headed the Department of Public Institutions for the state of Washington, and from 1944 until his retirement in 1967, he directed California's state correctional programs. Throughout his years in justice agencies, and in retirement, McGee published extensively, and had numerous national and international offices and honors. This book draws much from his lucid writings.”

Albany. NY. SUNY Press. 1995. 228p.

Living Inside Prison Walls: Adjustment Behavior

By Victoria R. DeRosia

From the Introduction: “In the most simplistic terms, there are three main structuralcomponentsofthe justice system in the United States: law enforcement, courts, and corrections (both institutional and community-based). Additionally, there are other structuralelements thatcomprise the system, such as victim service agencies and a related but mainly separate juvenile justice system. Thousands of agencies at the local, county, state, and federal levels of government, as well as in the private sector, join together to form the framework of the American criminal justice system. In most respects, the numerous agencies function as a system, a unified whole. But fragmentation and conflict are also commonplace, causing some critics to hold that it is not a system at all…”

Westport. Praeger. 1998. 212p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Violence In Sardinia

By Franco Ferracuti, Renato Lazzari And Marvin .E Wolfgang (Eds.)

From the Foreword: “It is with great pleasure that I have accepted the task of presenting the work of a well coordinated group of scholars, of proven competency, on the problem of Sardinian violence. The research project has been conducted jointly by the Center for Studies in Criminology and Criminal Law of the University of Pennsylvania and by the Institute of Psychology of the Medical School of the University of Rome, and has called on the collaboration of scholars from other fields and other universities, to broaden the content of the study. The generous assistance of the Ford Foundation had made the study possible. Violent behavior is now in the limelight both of public and scient- ific interest. The research attempts an analysis of Sardinian violence in the frame of reference of the theoretical construct which two of the authors (M.E. Wolfgang and F. Ferracuti) have identified, in previous publications, as the subculture of violence.

Rome. Mario Bulzoni - Editore . 1970.

Crimes Without Victims: Deviant Behavior And Public Policy-- Abortion Homosexuality Drug Addiction

By Edwin M. Schur

From the Preface: The three types of deviance discussed in this book lie at the borderline of crime.There has long been dispute as to whether they shouldbecon- sidered crimes, sins, vices, diseases, or simply as patterns of social deviance. In each case the offending behavior involves a willing and private exchange of strongly demanded yet officially proscribed goods and services; this element of consent precludes the existence of a victim--in the usual sense of the word. Each of these problems also has certain medical--as well as legal, psychological, and sociological-aspects. Although this complexity has fostered useful research and analysis by specialists in various fields, it has also produced a somewhat confusing range of views as to the methods with which such behavior should be dealt. To the extent that sociologists have studied these borderline problems at all, their goal of detached scientific observation (of "ethical neutrality") has inhibited whatever in- terest they might feel in directly challenging substantive criminal law provisions.

Englewod Clifs, N.J. Prentice:Hall.1965. 186p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Coping with Imprisonment

Edited by Nicolette Parisi

From Chapter 1: “Imprisonment generates some degree of pressure in each and every inmate. Prison pressures may lead inmates to choose one or more strategies of coping with their environment. The array of interactions in prison is a mixture of both pressures and reactions to pressures. In this chapter, we begin by reviewing the prisoner's pressures. The second half of the chapter will focus on alternatives to ameliorate these pressures. Later chapters will present the results from studies of particular pressures and/or coping responses within prison.”

Beverly Hills. Sage. 1982. 161p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Culture and Crisis in Confinement

By Robert Johnson

From the Preface by Hans Toch: “The author's contribution in this work is in many ways unique, and some of the concepts under- lying this book may not be self-evident to all readers. I hope I'll be forgiven for explicatingwhat to others may seem very obvious. Corrections and penology traditionally have been the monopoly of sociologists, and sometimes of experts ni administration. Psychological or clinical concerns usually have been confined to the area of individual diagnosis--particularly to the ritualistic review of unrepresentative offenders. Though it is obvious that much sociological discussion ofprisons has taken the form of psychology in disguise, disciplinary boundaries have inhibited full development of such thinking. Prison researchers have generally not deployed clinical methodology in their inquiries. Where inmates have been interviewed, they have rarely been asked the sorts of questions that explored their feelings and perspectives in depth.

Lexington, Massachusetts. D.C. Heath and Company . Lexington Books. 1976. 182p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Hard Time: Understanding and Reforming the Prison. Second Edition

By Robert Johnson

From the cover: “"Hard Time is clearly and passionately written... Here, as in the first edition, Johnson manages to write with care and sympathy for the prisoners, but without sentimentality. He never forgets that they are criminals who deserve punishment, and he does not hesitate to say so. Likewise, he manages to find in the very punitiveness of prisons the possibility of redemption. Indeed, given our society's apparent rage to lock people up in spite of our prisons' grim failure to transform any sizable number of convicts into good citizens, Johnson's approach may be our only hope." —Jeffrey Reiman.

NY. Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1996. 316p. CONTAINS MARK-UP.