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Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.

Posts tagged history
PRIMITIVE REBELS Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries



"Primitive Rebels: Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries delves into the often overlooked yet powerful dynamics of social movements that emerged amidst the tumultuous periods of the 19th and 20th centuries. In this insightful collection, the author explores the unique characteristics of these 'primitive rebels'—individuals and groups who dared to challenge established structures and ideologies through unconventional means.

Through meticulous research and engaging narratives, the book sheds light on the diverse expressions of resistance seen in various societies and contexts. From peasant uprisings to religious sects, each case study offers valuable insights into the motivations, strategies, and impacts of these archaic forms of social movement.

Offering a fresh perspective on historical dissent and social change, Primitive Rebels is a thought-provoking read that invites readers to reconsider the role of 'primitive' or unconventional movements in shaping the course of history."

NY. ORTON & COMPANY. 1959. 209p.

HEAVENS ON EARTH: Utopian Communities in America 1680-1880



Delve into the intriguing world of utopian communities in America from 1680 to 1880 with "HEAVENS ON EARTH." This captivating book explores the idealistic visions and social experiments of various groups striving to create earthly paradises. From settled colonies to transient communes, the author meticulously traces the rise and fall of these utopias, offering a fascinating glimpse into the aspirations and challenges faced by their inhabitants. Thought-provoking and rich in historical detail, "HEAVENS ON EARTH" is a must-read for anyone interested in the utopian impulse and its impact on American society.


A Primer in Radical Criminology

By Michael J. Lynch and W. Byron Groves

FROM THE COVER: “Marxist thought has profoundly affected the growth of modern criminology. The social and economic determinism in Marx heavily influenced Enrico Ferri, one of criminology's founding positivists. Today's positivists continue that tradition in their search for the sociological causes of crime. Yesterday's radicals, the positivists, have become today's traditionalists. And today's radicals once again proclaim Marx as their guide. This book demonstrates how today's Marxist criminologists have broadened their vision. In addition to crime causation, they examine the political and economic interests that influence the formation of law and justice. Power, alienation, capital and many other classic Marxist concepts have been revived and applied to a radical understanding of punishment, corrections, police and the administration of justice.

NY. Harrow and Heston. 1986. 131p.

Trends in the Administration of Justice and Correctional Programs in USA.

Edited By Myra E. Alexander.

From the Introduction: “…Knowing that many participants from other countries have similar interests, it was decided to prepare this document on new and promising measures found in the United States with reference to the last three topics on the 1965 United Nations Congress agenda, namely:

  • Measures to combat recidivism (with particular reference to adverse conditions of detention pending trial and inequality in the Administration of Justice.)

  • Probation (especially adult probation) and other noninstitutional measures.

  • Social preventive and treatment measures for young adults”

Printed as part of the vocational training course in printing at the Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California. Prepared For Third United Nations Congress On The Prevention Of Crime And Treatment Of Offenders. 1965. 81p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Community Organization for Neighborhood Development- Past and Present

By Sidney Dillick

From the introduction: “VARIOUS cLaIMS have been made for the neighborhood approach to some of the problems of living in large cities. Some persons have said that strong local neighborhood associations

or councils will help to decentralize authority and bring it closer to the people. Specialists in adult education see merit in neighborhood organization for citizenship education. Settlement leaders feel it will help develop the friendliness and neighborliness that is lacking in urban communities. City planners see in neighborhood organization an effective means by which local community consciousness can be aroused to put life into plans for clusters of neighborhoods in large cities. Social workers think of it as enabling a community to tackle some of its own problems directly.

Woman's Press. Whiteside, Inc. And William Morrow & Company. New York • 1953. 191p. CONTAINS MARK-UP.