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Posts tagged 18th century British novel
The Heart of Mid-Lothian

By Sir Walter Scott.

“Edinburgh, 1736: an indignant crowd has gathered in the Grassmarket to watch the execution of a smuggler...” Opening with the start of the Porteous Riots, The Heart of Midlothian is one of Walter Scott's most famous historical novels, featuring murder, madness and seduction. Following his brutal suppression of the spectators, John Porteous, Captain of the Guard, is charged with murder and locked up in Edinburgh's Tolbooth prison, also known as the Heart of Midlothian. When news comes that he has been pardoned, an angry mob breaks into the jail, liberating its inmates and bringing Porteous to its own form of justice. But one prisoner who fails to take this opportunity to flee is Effie Deans, who, wrongly convicted of infanticide, has been sentenced to death. Jeanie, her older sister, sets off to London on foot to beg for her pardon from the queen.

Boston: Dana Estes & Co., 1893.

The Bride of Lammermoor

By Sir Walter Scott.

“The Author, on a former occasion, declined giving the real source from which he drew the tragic subject of this history, because, though occurring at a distant period, it might possibly be unpleasing to the feelings of the descendants of the parties. But as he finds an account of the circumstances given in the Notes to Law's Memorials by his ingenious friend Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq., and also indicated in his reprint of the Rev. Mr. Symson's poems, appended to the Description of Galloway as the original of the Bride of Lammermoor, the Author feels himself now at liberty to tell the tale as he had it from connections of his own, who lived very near the period, and were closely related to the family of the Bride.

London: Collins Clear -Type Press, 1900. 416p.

Moll Flanders

By Daniel Defoe.

Moll Flanders follows the life of its eponymous heroine through its many vicissitudes, which include her early seduction, careers in crime and prostitution, conviction for theft and transportation to the plantations of Virginia, and her ultimate redemption and prosperity in the new World. “When a woman debauched from her youth, nay, even being the offspring of debauchery and vice, comes to give an account of all her vicious practices, and even to descend to the particular occasions and circumstances by which she ran through in threescore years, an author must be hard put to it wrap it up so clean as not to give room, especially for vicious readers, to turn it to his disadvantage.”

NY. Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1772) 502 pages.

The Squire's Tale

By Geoffrey Chaucer.

Edited with an introduction by A. W. Pollard. This story from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales was the first serious attempt to tell the story of the great Genghis Khan, leader of the Moguls, who conquered peoples and lands of Asia and South East Asia, Russia and the fringes of Europe, and by his hand spread and distributed wealth, commerce and technology throughout the peoples and lands he conquered. All of this much to the benefit of the peoples of Europe that he did not conquer, but who nevertheless absorbed the amazing commercial production and distribution of goods and the important elements of nascent science encouraged and exported by the Great Khan. None of these achievements were acknowledged by the West, instead calling the Moguls barbarians and savages.

London: Macmillan (1899) 76p.