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Posts tagged prison
Abolition Science Fiction

By Phillip Crocket Thomas.

Abolition Science Fiction is a new, free collection of sci fi short stories written by activists and scholars involved in prison abolition and transformative justice in the UK. The stories are not all explicitly about prison abolition, but all of them explore the underlying question of how we can live well together, tackling complex topics like violence, revenge, responsibility, care, and community. As such they can help us imagine a future where we respond to harm without exclusion and punishment, illustrating Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s contention that ‘abolition requires that we change one thing: everything.’ Alongside the stories are extracts from discussions from the workshops where we wrote and shared the stories. There are also creative writing exercises and discussion prompts, included to help readers explore ideas about abolition and transformative justice in creative ways. The book is aimed both at those curious about abolition and at seasoned activists who want to explore abolition through creative writing. The book is free and can be downloaded below. There is a limited number of print copies available, to request one please email abolitionscifi [at] gmail [dot] com.

Abolition Science Fiction. 2022. 94p.

One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

By Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Translated from the Russian by Ralph Parker. With an Introduction by Marvin L. Kalb. Foreword By Alexander Tvardovsky. From the cover: This extraordinary novel is one of the most significant and outspoken literary documents ever to come out of Soviet Russia. It is both a brutally graphic picture of life in a Stalinist work camp and a moving tribute to man's will to prevail over relentless dehumanization. A masterpiece of modern Russian fiction, ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVICH first brought to world attention the work of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, brilliant author of THE CANCER WARD and THE FIRST CIRCLE.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was born in 1918, a year after the Bolsheviks stormed to; power through­out Russia. He studied at the University of Rostov and served with distinction in the Russian Army dur­ing World War II. In 1945 he was arrested and im­prisoned in a labor camp for eight years because he allegedly made a derogatory remark about Stalin. He was released in 1953 after the death of Stalin, but was forced to live in Central Asia, where he remained until Premier Khrushchev’s historic “secret speech” denounced Stalin in 1956. Rehabilitated in 1957, Solzhenitsyn moved to Ryazan, married a chemistry student, and began to teach mathematics at the local school. In his spare time, he started to write. This novel is his first published work.

NY. A Signet Classic from New American Library. 1963. 158p.