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Posts tagged miscellaneous papers
Sigmund Freud. Collected Papers Volume V: Miscellaneous Papers, 1888-1938

By Sigmund Freud

From the Editorial Note: The bulk of the contents of this Fifth Volume of Freud's Collected Papers is made up of his shorter writings published since the issue of the Fourth Volume in 1925. The opportunity has, however, been taken of including a number of carlier papers which, for various reasons, were omitted from the firsť four volumes of this series. Finally, a selection has also been included of his very scanty posthumous works, which were published in German under the title of Schriften aus dem Nachlassin I94I. About a dozen of the papers included in this volume (Nos. II A, B and C, III, IV, V, VIII B, IX, XIV, XXIX and XXXII) now appear for the first time in English. Of the remainder, the majority were first published in English in the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, while a few have been collected from other sources. ÁIl of these have been revised and in a number of instances (Nos. VI, VIII A, C and D, XIX, XXII and XXV) fresh translations have been made for the present volume. The whole of the material has been arranged, with one or two small exceptions, in chronological order. Details of the origin of each paper will be found in a footnote at its beginning, and a complete list of references appears at the end of the whole book. As in the earlier volumes in the series, the translator's name is appended to each paper.

Published by BasicBooks, Inc. by arrangement withThe Hogarth Press Ltd and The Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London. 1959. 390p.