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Posts tagged clinical psychology
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex


By Sigmund Freud. Translated from the German by A. A. Brill

“Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex” by Sigmund Freud is a foundational text in psychoanalytic theory, exploring the complexities of human sexuality. The book is divided into three main sections:

  1. Sexual Aberrations: Freud discusses deviations in sexual object choice and sexual aim, including homosexuality, fetishism, and sadomasochism. He argues that these deviations are not inherently pathological but are variations of the normal sexual impulse.

  2. Infantile Sexuality: Freud introduces the concept of infantile sexuality, asserting that sexual impulses are present from birth and undergo various developmental phases. He describes the stages of sexual development in children, including the oral, anal, and phallic stages, and emphasizes the importance of early childhood experiences in shaping adult sexuality.

  3. Transformations of Puberty: This section examines the changes that occur during puberty, leading to the mature sexual organization. Freud discusses the role of the genital zones, the development of sexual object choice, and the integration of various sexual impulses into a coherent sexual identity.

Throughout the book, Freud emphasizes the significance of unconscious processes and the impact of early experiences on later sexual development. He also introduces key concepts such as the Oedipus complex, repression, and sublimation, which have become central to psychoanalytic theory.

NY. Dutton. 1962. 126p.

Inhibitions Symptoms and Anxiety

By Sigmund Freud.

Translated by Alix Strachey. Revised and newly edited by James Strachey. From the cover: This work si one of the most important contri- butions made by Freud to both the clinical and theoretical aspects of psycho-analysis. It covers awide range of topics, including discussions of the different classes of resistance, the distinction between repression and defence and the relations between anxiety, pain and mourning. Its main theme, however, si the problem of anxiety-its sources, mechanisms and functions -and the author's earlier views on the subject are critically examined and some of his opinions very consider- ably altered. For the present edition the text has been extensively revised, and editor's introduction, two appendices, and many explanatory notes and references have been added as well as a full bibliography and index. The text used has been taken from the new Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Fourteen of the 42 volumes of this edition have so far been issued, and new ones are continually being added. If you would like further details of contents, subscrip- tion price, etc. of the Standard Edition, please write for a detailed prospectus.

London. The Hogarth Press And The Institute Of Psychoanalysis. 1961. 118p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality

By Sigmund Freud.

Authorized Translation by James Strachey. From the cover: This is the firs tEnglish edition of a classic. In the forty-five years since its original appearance it has completely revolutionized scientific views on sexuality. Freud's discoveries, derived from his penetrating study of his patients and concisely summarized in these Three Essays, are now accepted as the basis of all modern thought on the subject in psychology, psychiatry, education and criminal reform. "One of the pillars on which the edifice of psycho-analysis rests. . . indeed a classic." The Listener.

London. Imago Publishing Company, Limited. 1949. 130p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Sigmund Freud Collected Papers. Volume 1

Authorized Translation Under The Supervision Of Joan Riviere

From the editorial preface: “[T]hese Collected Papers, of which the present is the first volume, constitute the real basis of Psycho-Analysis. All Professor Freud's other work and theories areessentially founded on the clinical investigations of which these papers are the only published record. It is unfortunate that the English-speaking public should for years have had access only to what may be called the superstructure of his work, the application of his psycho-analytic method to the study of dreams, sexuality, totemism, and so on, while the basis of it all remained buried in a foreign tongue. It is now proposed to fill this central lacuna in English psycho-analytical literature by publishing, in four or more volumes, a translation of the Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre. Incidentally it may be said that the papers in this series have been re-grouped, in co-operation with Professor Freud, so that they do not follow the same order as that of the German original.”

New York. Basic Books. 1959. 350p.

Sigmund Freud Collected Papers. Volume 2.

Authorized Translation Under The Supervision Of Joan Riviere.

From the editorial preface: “The present volume contains all the other papers written between 1906 and 1924. Many are purely clinical in the narrower sense, such as Hysterical Phantasies, Types of Nosogenesis, Disposition to Obsessional Neurosis, Case of Homosexuality in a Woman, etc.; others concern matters of wider interest, such as the ascertainment of truth in legal proceedings, the sexual enlightenment of children, children's lying,etc., while the first application o fpsycho-analysis to the study of character-development will also be found here.

NY. Basic Books. 1959. 393p.