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Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study


By Sigmund Freud And William C. Bullitt

Summary of the key points of this enlightening book::

Early Life and Influences

  • Father’s Influence: Wilson’s father, Reverend Joseph Ruggles Wilson, profoundly shaped his character. Wilson’s intense admiration and love for his father led to a strong desire for achievement and recognition.

  • Psychological Mechanisms: The study explores Wilson’s use of repression, identification, and sublimation to manage his conflicting desires, particularly his aggressive and passive feelings towards his father.

Adolescence and Identification

  • Increased Masculinity: During adolescence, Wilson’s masculinity increased, intensifying his aggressive feelings towards his father.

  • Identification with Gladstone: Wilson admired British statesman William Gladstone, seeing him as an “incomparable father” figure. This identification helped him express his aggression towards his real father while maintaining love for him.

Adulthood and Career

  • Struggles and Ambitions: Wilson faced physical ailments and frequent nervous breakdowns, often linked to unresolved inner conflicts. His ambition to become a statesman was influenced by his admiration for figures like Gladstone and Bright.

  • Marriage and Stability: His marriage to Ellen Axson provided emotional stability and support, acting as a mother representative.

Presidency of Princeton

  • Reforms and Conflicts: As President of Princeton, Wilson implemented significant reforms but faced intense conflicts, particularly with Dean Andrew F. West. These conflicts were driven by his repressed hostility towards his father.

  • Impact of Father’s Death: The death of his father necessitated new outlets for his libido, leading to increased speech-making, passionate friendships, and religious activities.

Political Career and Presidency

  • Legislative Achievements: Wilson’s political career saw significant legislative achievements, driven by his powerful Super-Ego and sense of divine mission.

  • World War I: Wilson’s approach to World War I was shaped by his personal beliefs and psychological conflicts. He struggled to balance his desire for peace with the aggressive actions of Germany.

Psychological Struggles and Health

  • Health Issues: Throughout his life, Wilson’s health issues, including neuritis, indigestion, and headaches, were closely linked to his psychological state.

  • Key Relationships: His relationships with key figures, such as Colonel House and Joe Tumulty, provided both support and additional sources of conflict.

Peace Negotiations and Legacy

  • Treaty of Versailles: Wilson’s efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace were challenged by the demands of the Allies. His compromises led to a treaty that many viewed as unjust.

  • Decline and Death: Wilson’s health deteriorated significantly during his second term, culminating in a severe stroke in October 1919. His final years were marked by a sense of betrayal and a focus on his earlier achievements at Princeton.

Overall, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of Wilson’s character, emphasizing the interplay between his unconscious desires, psychoanalytic mechanisms, and the external influences that shaped his life and career.

Houghton Mifflin Company Boston. The Riverside Press. Cambridge. 1966. 317p.

Reich Speaks Of Freud


Edited By Mary Higgins And Chester M. Raphael

“Reich Speaks of Freud” is a collection of interviews and documents that delve into Wilhelm Reich’s relationship with Sigmund Freud, his work in psychoanalysis, and his subsequent development of his own theories. Here are the key points and themes from the book:

Overview: The book includes detailed interviews conducted by Kurt R. Eissler in 1952, where Reich discusses his experiences with Freud and his views on psychoanalysis.

Documentary Supplement: This section contains letters and documents that provide additional context to Reich’s professional and personal life, his conflicts within the psychoanalytic community, and his ideological struggles.

Key Themes

  1. Relationship with Freud:

    • Reich admired Freud and considered him a pioneer in understanding the human psyche.

    • He discusses Freud’s personal struggles, including his health issues and the impact of his Jewish background on his work.

    • Reich felt that Freud’s later theories, such as the death instinct, were a departure from his earlier, more revolutionary ideas.

  2. Development of Psychoanalytic Theory:

    • Reich contributed significantly to psychoanalytic theory, particularly with his work on character analysis and the concept of orgastic potency.

    • He believed that Freud’s focus on the unconscious and libido was groundbreaking but felt that Freud did not fully explore the biological basis of these concepts.

  3. Conflict and Controversy:

    • Reich faced significant opposition from the psychoanalytic community, particularly regarding his views on sexuality and his political activities.

    • He was critical of the psychoanalytic establishment for what he saw as their reluctance to embrace the full implications of Freud’s discoveries.

  4. Sex-Economy and Orgone Energy:

    • Reich developed the theory of sex-economy, which linked psychological health to sexual satisfaction and the free flow of biological energy.

    • He introduced the concept of orgone energy, a universal life force, which he believed could be harnessed for therapeutic purposes.

  5. Political and Social Views:

    • Reich was deeply involved in social and political issues, advocating for sexual freedom and criticizing authoritarian structures.

    • His Marxist views influenced his approach to psychoanalysis, leading to further conflicts with more conservative members of the psychoanalytic community.

NY. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1967. 321p.

PsychoDarwinism: PsychoDarwinism The New Synthesis of Darwin & Freud

By Christopher Badcock

From the Preface: “'If my father were alive today, I don't think he would want to be a psychoanalyst.' This remark was made to me more than once by Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud's daughter and successor in psychoanalysis, in the year or two before her death in 1982. When on one occasion I asked her what she thought her father would want to be if he were alive today, she was less sure. However, that he would not wish to be a psychoanalyst she was adamant.

This, and other similar remarks by Anna Freud, greatly increased my uncertainty about what I wanted to be when the analysis I had been undergoing withher was abruptly terminated by her death. It had begun in 1979, at a time when she was wel past the maximum age at which the analvtic professionwill allow an analyst to begin an official training analvsis with a student. As a result, I faced the prospect of starting more or less at the beginning if I wished to qualify as a psychoanalyst, and of course with a new training analyst.

London. HarperCollins Publishers. 1995. 218p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Freud: The Mind of the Moralist

By Philip Rieff.

There is nothing flat about Freud’s own self-portrait, as given informally in his letters. Told from the inside, Freud’s life takes on depth, even heroic proportion, not because of the external pace of events, which is in fact steady, but, rather, because of the heavy burden of knowingness about life that Freud carried from the beginning, on his back, as it were. Yet he never bent over in defeat; difficult as he found the task, he forced himself to remain emotionally and morally upright to the last, “defiant” of his corrupting knowl­edge — although as he himself admitted, in a letter splendid with modesty, he did not know quite why he thus main­tained his integrity. All he knew, at the end of his life, was that, as a moral man, he could not be otherwise.

Garden City, New York. Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1959. 455p. CONTAINS MARK-UP