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Posts tagged science
The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex

By Murray Gell-Mann

From the Preface: “…The book is divided into four parts. At the beginningof the first part, I describe some personal experiences that led me to write it. Taking long walks in tropical forests, studying birds, and planning nature conservation activities, I became excited by the idea of sharing with readers my growing awareness of the links between the fundamental laws of physics and the world we see around us. All my life I have loved exploring the realm of living things, but my professional life has been devoted mostly to research on the fundamental laws. These laws underlie all of science (in a sense that is discussed in this book) but often seem far removed from most experience, including a great deal of experience in the other sciences. Reflecting on questions of simplicity and complexity, we perceive connections that help to link together all the phenomena of nature, from the simplest to the most complex…”

London. Little, Brown and Company. 1994. 386p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Autobiography Of Charles Darwin And Selected Letters

By Charles Darwin. Edited By Francis Darwin.

From the editor: In preparing this volume, which is practically an abbre­viation of the Life and Letters (1887), my aim has been to retain as far as possible the personal parts of those volumes. To render this feasible, large numbers of the more purely scientific letters are omitted, or represented by the citation of a few sentences. In certain periods of my father’s life the scientific and the personal elements run a parallel course, rising and falling together in their degree of inter­est. Thus the writing of the Origin of Species, and its publication, appeal equally to the reader who follows my father’s career from interest in the man, and to the natural­ist who desires to know something of this turning point in the history of Biology. This part of the story has there­fore been told with nearly the full amount of available detail.

NY. Dover Publications. 1892. 408p.