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The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (The National Academies) provide independent, objective advice to inform policy with evidence, spark progress and innovation, and confront challenging issues for the benefit of society. Learn more about our history. As the operating and principal programmatic arm of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the National Research Council has established these guiding principles:

  • Our Vision: A nation and a world that rely on scientific evidence to make decisions that benefit humanity.

  • Our Mission: The National Academies provide independent, trustworthy advice and facilitate solutions to complex challenges by mobilizing expertise, practice, and knowledge in science, engineering, and medicine.

  • Our Core Values: Independence, Objectivity, Rigor, Integrity, Inclusivity, Truth

As separate operating units, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the National Academy of Medicine have crafted mission, vision, and values statements informed by their members and specific to their disciplines.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement and Guiding Principles: The National Academies value diversity among our staff, members, volunteers, partners, vendors, and audiences. We recognize that talent is broadly distributed in society and that many perspectives enhance the quality of our work and drive innovation and impact. We pledge to cultivate a workplace culture and climate that promotes inclusion, belonging, accessibility, and anti-racism; upholds equity; and values the participation of all who are engaged in advancing our mission. Read the entire DEI Statement and Guiding Principles.